
Announcements 02.03.25

CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATE – Now Through February 9 If you haven’t already done so, please confirm your directory listing at the Welcome Center. Pick up a directory GREEN CARD to add or update your contact information at the Welcome Center or on the Information Table. NEW PHOTOS will be taken next Sunday the 9th in-between services in the library. JUBILEE LUNCHEON – TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2025 Isaac Brick, Los Angeles leader of Jews for Jesus, will be our guest speaker for our February luncheon. He was raised in San Francisco and attended the Jews for Jesus summer camp, serving on staff in his teenage years. Isaac accepted the call of God on his life to be a witness for Yeshua in 2008. SAVE THE DATE! You’ll be challenged by his testimony and as he shares about the ministry of Jews for Jesus. RSVPs will begin this Sunday, January 26. Cost: $15. P.S. We need 20 butcher block-type cutting boards for centerpiece décor. If you have one(s) that we can borrow, bring it to the church office – with your name on the bottom! TY. COMING IN CONCERT – SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Enjoy and be encouraged by Sally Klein O’Connor’s testimony in song and story; how she as a young Jewish girl came to faith in Jesus Christ, and what it means to walk with the Lord. The concert time is 5 PM and is open to everyone, so invite your family and friends. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! CHILI COOK-OFF SET FOR FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2025 Spice up your winter at our 2025 – 3rd Annual – CHILI COOK-OFF!! Invite your family and friends for some mouth-watering CHILI sampling and dinner out. The evening includes voting for your favorite chili, live entertainment with the VJF Gospel Band, Round Table Games, Awards, and more! We have 12 contestants!! However, you may contact the church office to be an alternate.  Cookoff RSVPs begin Sunday, February 9. The cost is $10. VJF PARKING – LET’S BE GOOD NEIGHBORS!
  • Mondays – Saturdays, use parking places directly in front of VJF or the back, the row closest to our building.
  • Sundays – West Coast Doors graciously allows us to use their spaces. Please do not encroach on Liminal Church spaces at the end of our strip.
  • Overflow parking is available anytime on the street or across the street.
  • Thanks for your help!
  • P.S. Consider helping with our parking ministry. Interested? See Pastor Jim.
Sundays @ 8:45 AM Being part of BIBLE ALIVE offers lots of benefits for believers – no matter how short or long you’ve followed Christ. JOIN US!

Announcements 01.27.25

CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATE – Now Through February 9 As a regular attender or member of VJF, you are an integral part of this church family, and Church Directories are an excellent tool to help us put names with faces. Is your contact info ...

Announcements 01.20.25

MEMORIAL FOR SHEILA RANGERE The memorial for Sheila Rangere will be held Friday, January 31, at 10 AM, here at Ventura Jubilee Fellowship. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES Marilyn Mansi's husband Erni went to be with Jesus a few months back, and last week, God ...

Announcements 01.13.25

INAUGURAL PRAYER HOUR – SUNDAY, JANUARY 19th, 3-4 PM God tells us to pray for our leaders. As President-elect Trump prepares to become our 47th President on January 20, we want to come together as the body of Christ for a special prayer ...