Care & Prayer

At VJF Church we are a prayerful people, we lean on God for everything.

VJF Missions Prayer Requests

Don & Kathy Mingo

Don & Kathy Mingo

BBFI - M2M Care

  • July 7 - Missionaries continue to contact us, asking for our help. Many of them are in tough places in their lives and ministries. Pray that God gives us the compassion and wisdom to help them see God in their struggles, and to make solid decisions.
  • July 14 - Most missionaries need a listening ear when they come to us. They want to talk about their struggles, heartaches, and woes. Pray that God will enable us to be excellent listeners. Sometimes a burden shared is a burden carried.
  • July 21 - My upper-body muscles continue to waste away due to FSH Muscular Dystrophy. I’m not able to lift my arms above my head or lift a cup full of coffee without immense difficulty, but….. we are still serving missionaries! Pray that Kathy and I can navigate these challenges.
  • July 28 - Pray that we’ll follow our Lord in every detail of our lives. Sometimes, we get fatigued after spending time with so many hurting missionaries. And, we don’t dare talk with anyone about our struggles concerning these missionaries and their troubles as we’ve promised absolute confidentiality. Thanks for all you do! Wish we had more churches behind us, like Ventura Jubilee Fellowship!
Joe Johns WP

Joe Johns, Director

World Partners - Strategic Partnerships

  • July 7 - Pray for our annual missionary retreat in Sturgis, Michigan July 15-18.  This event is for those missionaries who will be in the US during their Home Ministry Assignment (HMA).  Pray for a rich time of encouragement and connection together.
  • July 14 - Pray for our missionaries who are home this summer to visit supporting churches and partners; sharing ministry impact stories and raising prayer and financial support.  Pray for them to be able to rest and abide even during their demanding schedule.
  • July 21 - Pray for the expansion of the disciple-making movement in Pakistan to the Koli and people and beyond.  Pray especially for Peter, the movement leader, who is under attack by powers and principalities that oppose this Kingdom movement.
  • July 28 - Pray for 12 more missionaries to join our team in 2024.  We sensed the Lord asking us to pray this prayer at the beginning of the year and have seen 3 great people added already.

MCUSA Pray First! Prayer Focus & World Partners

Pray First Prayer Focus



PERSONAL REFLECTION — WATCHMEN: “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore, you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless, if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your soul” (Ezekiel 33:7-9).

  • Who does the Lord bring to mind as you read these verses? Pray for them.
  • Ask the Lord for opportunities to speak into their lives in how you live and your speech.
  • Pray the Lord will give you boldness to speak His Word.
  • Praise the Lord for the privilege of being a part of what He is doing to advance His kingdom.
WP 01.23

Find out how the Lord Jesus is moving through World Partners people to multiply disciples worldwide to his glory.

Pray with us this week:

  • Ask God to heal the many VJF members struggling with pain, cancer, the side effects of chemotherapy, and other physical and mental health issues.
  • Pray for our pastors as they share the Word. Ask God’s   Spirit to move within them, giving them boldness and clarity as they speak. Ultimately, pray that God is glorified through them.
  • Pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu, for God to give him wisdom. Pray for Israeli soldiers as they rightly defend their country. Pray for all those who lost loved ones and those who are still hostages in Gaza. Pray for Israelis to come before the Almighty God and cling to Him to find peace amid turmoil in Jesus the Messiah.
  • Pray for Ukrainian families suffering from the trauma of losing their homes and loved ones, and the many missionaries who are tending to both their spiritual and physical needs each day.
  • For our missionaries,  pray for their strength and perseverance to run the race;   that   the   Lord   will   bring  people   across   their   path   who   would  encourage   and   uplift   them.
  • Pray for   God’s provision over their family and ministry;   for His protection against illness,  injury,   and danger.
  • Pray   that   the  joy  of   the   Lord   will   sustain  our   missionaries  in   every   trial   and  setback;   that   the   light   of   God   would  shine   through   them,   lifting   darkness   and  oppression   as   they   share   His   love.
  • Ask the   Lord to make   fertile   ground   and  prepare   hearts   to   receive   the   gospel;   that  He   set   up   divine   appointments   and   open  doors   for   ministry   that   only   He   can   make  possible.