Christmas 2019
A Blessed Christmas to Our Church Family,
It is Christmas 2019. What a year this has been. The time has gone so fast. The change that has taken place in our lives the last year has been amazing.
In October of 2018, Joyce and I made our last trip to Cambria, (one of our favorite places). She wasn’t feeling well, so I was hurrying to get to our motel and I wound up getting my first such traffic ticket.
In March of this year, Joyce’s health had changed so much that we had to have home health care 24/7. God has blessed us with some very special ladies who love Joyce and it spills over on me too. Her condition has changed, even more recently, so that she no longer can take steps. We found out she qualifies for a Palliative Care Program covered by Medicare. This will provide her with extra care. “Thank you, LORD, for surrounding us with your loving care.”
We are so blessed with our incredible, amazing church family. You have and are making this journey so much easier for us by praying for us, loving us, encouraging us, feeding us, running errands for us, loving us, repairing things for us, and the list goes on and on. You are an extension of the heart of Jesus to us. We love you more than words could ever express.
We pray that your lives will be overflowing with the love, peace and joy of God, as you celebrate the birth of our Savior.
In His love,
Leonard and Joyce