1. End of Year Giving Reminder – Jubilee has been blessed through your generous giving. Our church leadership has made every effort to serve in a way that exemplifies good stewardship. Our upcoming move, for example, will save thousands of dollars in lease payments. Our Mission giving is stronger than ever. Thank you for not […]
Archives for December 2020
“Facing the Future with God”
We are about to enter a new year that I believe will be very challenging for us in many ways. I am challenging myself and you, that no matter what we face, we hold the course knowing that our LORD is with us and He will champion our cause. The Apostle Paul challenged the Christians […]
Announcements 12.22.20
1. Thank you for the many different Christmas items you sent to our family and the church staff. The gifts, goodies, and your generosity have made this a very special Christmas. 2. By the way — LADIES – your Bible Study will NOT TAKE PLACE this Wednesday. We will resume our studies on Wednesday, January 13th. The […]
“Overview of Coming Events”
One thing is certain – whatever God’s word predicts, will come to pass. God does not change, and neither does His word. Listen to the expressions of the Apostle Peter – 1:23-25 ESV – “Since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God, […]
Announcements 12.17.20
1. Men’s Ministry News – We had our first gathering on Thursday, Dec. 10th. The breakfast we served was prepared at McDonald’s and elsewhere … so, every precaution was taken. The men were so happy to be together again. Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the 17th. We will let you know when we can meet […]
“God’s Amazing Gift to the World”
In Genesis 3:15 we have the first promise of One who would come and triumph over the sin and devastation caused by Adam and Eve’s disobedience. God declared to the devil, “And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you […]
Announcements 12.08.20
1. Update from Pastor Leonard – It has been over two weeks since my surgery and praise God that terrible pain I have endured since January is gone. I am to start physical therapy any day. It will last for a month. Words could never express how good it was to be in church this past […]
“The Storm Clouds are Gathering” – Part II
In our nation today, we are surrounded by what I would call a climate and culture of hate. It is far more than just disliking someone. The feelings go very deep and reveal rage and resentment. Where did all of this come from? It is far more than a corrupt political judicial system. The prophet […]
Announcements 12.01.20
Please check your email regularly. Due to the fluid condition of the COVID-19, we may have very short notice of changes in times/locations of our gatherings. 1. Ladies Bible Study – will resume TOMORROW, Wednesday, 12/02, at 10 AM. We will study the 2nd lesson, Luke 2:1-7; 13-20. 2. Bible Alive – All Adult classes […]
“Christ the Promised Messiah/Savior”
One of the reasons I am totally sold on Jesus is the way He is the fulfillment of Old Testament Prophesy. Keep in mind that a prophet had to be one hundred percent accurate in his predictions. That being the case, consider the fact that there are at least 200 specific prophesies in the Old […]