VJF Church Missions - Locally and Globally
VJF Missions Spotlight
“And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:15
The apostle Paul identified two important components of missions — those who “go” and those who “send.” Churches and missionaries―two halves of a team extending God’s kingdom worldwide. We encourage one another, pray for each other, while sharing progress and challenges. Through this spiritual partnership, God is glorified, and both parties are greatly strengthened in their vision and mission.
At Ventura Jubilee Fellowship, our mission is “Every Member Connected”, whereby every congregant and ministry within the church prays diligently and regularly for our local community, our missions partners, and their work. Additionally, we demonstrate our long-term commitment to our missions partners through regular financial support. We believe it not only blesses them—but it also blesses us (Philippians 4:15-19).
Our prayer is for our mission partners to be used to open doors and soften hearts for the cause of Christ. His Word says, “those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.”―Psalm 126: 5-6
Local Partners
Ventura County Christian School (VCCS)
A local K-12 school that Jubilee Fellowship ministers to throughout the year. There are many opportunities where our church family can serve the children, teachers, and parents in this neighborhood school.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
A bible-centered organization committed to sharing the Gospel to K-5 boys and girls through Good News Clubs and The Little Red Schoolhouse. Each year, new volunteers from Jubilee Fellowship ministries help children throughout Ventura County learn biblical principles, moral values, character qualities, and respect for authority.
Ventura County Rescue Mission & The Lighthouse
Serves the poor and homeless, offering hope of Christ to thousands of hurting people. It is the longest standing year-round shelter for homeless men, women and children in Ventura County. Its core mission emphasizes human development and clean and sober life-recovery programs through education, self-help, and work in the local community.
Ventura County Pregnancy Center
A non-profit Christian organization that believes every life merits dignity, worth, and purpose. Their purpose is to provide compassionate, confidential and practical support to women and men in unplanned pregnancy or post-abortive situations.
Ventura County Teen Challenge
A 12-month residential discipleship ministry for women 18 years of age and older. The women in the discipleship program share their testimonies about the dangers of drugs and alcohol use and how Jesus Christ delivered them from their addictions.
Food Share
Food Share is a non-profit organization and member of the Feeding America Network, the nation’s largest hunger relief organization. Today, staff and volunteers distribute nearly 19 million pounds of food, providing 16 million meals annually to people in Ventura County through its hunger programs and 190 pantry and program partners.
National Partners
Lewis and Karen McClendon
Abound Ministries, Massillon Ohio, helps missionaries get to the field faster and stay in the field longer through communication workshops and financial coaching. Teaching missionaries how to communicate their message more effectively, helps them raise support money faster and get the most from the funds they receive for personal and ministry purposes.
Don and Kathy Mingo
Missionary to Missionary Care (M2MCare), The Shepherd's House, Grandbury, Texas, are uniquely equipped to help missionaries struggling with personal life problems, mental stress, and dangers in the field. Don and Kathy are missionaries helping other missionaries through coaching and spiritual care so they can serve longer and stronger.
International Partners
Joshua & Missy S - Peru
Joshua is an Inca Indian and Missy is of Hopi and Mojave descent. They desire to strengthen the Quechua and assist other indigenous churches through training pastors and church leaders in the Word of God, evangelism, and discipleship in Peru.
Gordon & Grace G - Asia
Gordon and Grace serve in Southeast Asia. Their mission has been to share the transforming love of Jesus by reaching out to low-income communities through Shalom-rooted development.
David & Marisa M - Middle East
David and Marisa are making disciples in the Middle East.
Becky Patterson
Bethesda Children's Homes, Tlapa, Mexico. The Bethesda Children’s Homes stand as a beacon of light in a land that is dark with crime, witchcraft, and idolatry. The Bethesda Children's Homes are a place where indigenous Mexican children can receive food, clothing, shelter, education, medical attention, love, and best of all – the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Joel and Lynn Rosenburg, The Joshua Fund
The Rosenbergs established a non-profit educational and charitable organization that works closely with Jewish and Christian allies in Israel and the MiddleEast, as well as Christian allies around the world.
Missionaries without Website Links
Some of our missionaries share the Gospel in ‘Restricted Access Nations’ (RAN) where their lives might be in danger if their names and photos appear on the internet. For security reasons, they are not included on this page.
For missionaries we support who don't have a website of their own or only have websites in the language of the nation they serve, are listed below under their affiliated Missions Organizations:
Baptist Bible Fellowship International
Don & Kathy Mingo-USA, Peter & Zorka Abrman-Slovakia, Dalton & Paulette Walker-New Zealand, Esteban & Emily Alvarez-Uruguay, and an unnamed-Restricted Access Nation
Richard & Valérie Morris of SIM France lead a ministry of teaching and training English and French-speaking churches and missionaries on the reality of spiritual warfare, the occult, resolving spiritual problems, and intercession.
Greater Europe Mission
Ryan Taylor-Germany
Shepherding the Nations
Shepherding the Nations (STN) focuses on training local pastors, evangelists and church planters so that they can reach their own villages and regions with the gospel. STN is based in Reseda, CA, and currently has training centers throughout SE Asia and Latin America.
Ryder & Flory Kumar-International Director, India, SE Asia
Shepherds International
We provide administrative support for global workers who have been sent by The Shepherd’s Church into strategic parts of the world, and for those who serve with them.
James & Jacqui Harmeling-Africa, SE Asia
Trailhead International
Serving developing nations by building church facilities, reaching at-risk youth, and delivering rapid food relief.
Brian & Rachael Weed-Latin America