TODAY at 4 PM is Jubilee’s Grief Counseling class. Paul Lenderman will lead you through the grieving steps through spiritual support. Our recent loss of Pastor Dave may be a good reason for you to participate today.
1. It’s Time! Our Missions Conference begins this Sunday. As pastor I want to encourage you to participate in every aspect of the Conference. Some of the events you have to sign up for. Don’t wait until the last minute. Watch for a separate email with all the details.
2. Have you been baptized since receiving Christ as your Savior? This is a step that Jesus asked each of us to take. It is an expression of our new life in Him. Pick up the form and return it to the church office right away. Baptism Sunday is September 15th.
3. There is still time for you to sign up for the Branson trip, but don’t wait too long. It is one of my favorite trips. It will create a Christmas spirit in you that will be contagious.
4. Be sure to mark your calendars for our Annual Business Meeting on Sunday, September 15th, right after our morning service.
5. Also, mark your calendars for October 18, 19 and 20 for our Bible Conference with Dr. Robert Morgan. It will be a great weekend!
6. Be sure to remember Pastor Dave’s and Kodi’s families, in your prayers. Also pray for Jubilee and God’s clear guidance for us in the months ahead.
7. Have you attended Pastor Steve Button’s class on “Faith Aid”? I would really encourage you to do so. He is an excellent teacher of God’s Word. (The next two Sundays, our missionaries will be special guests in his class.)