1. Attention All Veterans – Veterans Day will soon be upon us, and we want to honor you with a special luncheon and in other ways as well. We appreciate your service so much. So that we don’t miss anyone, please let us know if you have served in any branch of our military. You can do this by texting, emailing, or using one of the information cards in the worship area.
2. GLORY TO GOD!! You are an absolutely fantastic church family. So far this year you have given over $175,000 to support missions. Just during July and August, you gave $86,000 to IMPACT 2022 so that we could give all of those we help support an extra boost. I am so proud of you. Pastor Leonard
3. We are so blessed – recently Jubilee was gifted a beautiful two-tiered digital, portable organ. It has many amazing features. It will add, in a wonderful way, to our worship experience.
4. We, the people of Jubilee, are the Lord’s eyes, ears, hands, and feet to people outside the church. There are many that we come in contact with who do not know our Savior. He wants them reached and we are the key to reaching them. We offer a broad range of events, in addition to our services, to which we can invite others. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to someone who needs our kind of fellowship. You can offer to sit with them so they don’t feel alone. You could take them to lunch and spend time with them. Let them know all about Jubilee and how they can connect to Jesus Christ through and with us.
5. Membership Applications are starting to come in. We will soon announce our next membership class. We would love to have you join. Pick up the form at the Welcome Center, fill it out, and return it to the church office.
6. Grief Support Group meets Tuesday, September 13th at 4 pm. If you have experienced any kind of loss in the past or present, this group would be a real blessing to you. Maybe you know of people who are hurting. Invite them to come with you.
7. Attention All Men – Next Thursday at the Men’s Breakfast, I will be showing a 30-minute video by Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas TX. The message is so good for today – “When Persecution Comes.” I want all of our men to hear it. Please watch for the memo that Pastor Jim will send out and click on the button that lets us know you are coming. This is really important.
8. “Hearts of Purpose” – A beautiful book authored by one of our own, Gail Nordskog. Gail and Jerry have been visiting Jubilee and we’re thrilled to have them in our fellowship. Gail has given us several of her books “Real-life stories about ten ordinary women doing extraordinary things for the Glory of God” at no cost. They will be at the Welcome Center for a donation of $5.00. Funds collected will go to one of Jubilee’s Women’s Ministries.