1. Women’s Bible Study will resume this Wednesday (10 AM) followed by bell choir practice, at noon. We will have available the next study book, “Engaging God’s Word” (a study in Hebrews) tomorrow, 11/30. Cost: $15
2. Calling all Men … Come for food and fellowship on Thursday mornings at 6 AM. A delicious breakfast + song and meditation for only $5.00. All welcome!
3. Your Jubilee Church Staff wants to especially thank you for all the kind things you do, as you offer support through your prayers, tasks, and special gifts. You bring such joy to each of us as we fellowship and work together for the glory of the Lord. THANK YOU!
4. Pastor Leonard will be bringing a message with a one-word title “LOST”, this coming Sunday, 12/04. Come and bring your friends to this 2nd Sunday of Advent as we share in Holy Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper.
5. On Sunday, December 11th, Pastor Mike Sherrow and the choir will present their Christmas Musical during both services. Pastor Leonard will be sharing “Why Jesus Came.” You will want to be sure to invite family and friends.
6. On Friday, December 16th, we will have our annual all-church Christmas Dinner. We will be featuring the Evidence Quartet. They are a Mixed Gospel Quartet singing traditional four-part vocals. The cost is $10, and sign-ups begin this Sunday, 11/27. Due to limited space, tickets will be sold to Jubilee folks first. A waiting list, for friends and family, has been established.
7. Are you considering church membership? Be watching for details as we plan to have a class after the first of the year. As an added bonus, we have several interested in baptism. We will plan to do that in the new year, as well. Be praying about both of these commitments.
8. WOW! We were blessed with the music and testimonies from the Teen Challenge Ladies chorus, this past Sunday. What joy they brought to the church and what a blessing they left with. You expressed your warmth and appreciation and you contributed over $2,000. (This doesn’t include your tamale orders and plant purchases.) Thank you Jubilee family!