1. Welcome to these new members: Beth Steele, Byron McCracken, and Tammy McCracken. Folks, if you do not know these new members, please reach out to them and get to know them. (They’re all in the directory). You will be blessed as you build a relationship with them.
2. Church Membership – We will never pressure you to become members. As Pastor, I want you to know that you will be loved, valued, prayed for, and nurtured just like those who are members. I would love to have you join because your joining will strengthen this Fellowship. There are application forms at the Welcome Center. Pick one up, complete it, and return it to the church office. We will let you know when we have the next membership class.
3. Bible Alive – There are four classes – two for anyone who wants to attend, one for men, and one for the ladies. Three are some real advantages of being in one of these classes.
· They have excellent teachers.
· There is the opportunity to interact and ask questions.
· You meet new people and build lasting friendships.
As your pastor, I want to really encourage you to attend one of these classes.
4. JoyBells – If you would like to be a part of this exciting new ministry, give Carol Davis a call at 559-246-2159. The bell choir practices every Tuesday afternoon at 2 PM.
5. Have you noticed a new look in the Worship Center? It’s all about sound. Thank you to Mike Wickham for taking on this massive project to transform the sound in our Worship Center. The concept has not only proven effective but there is also some Bible history in all of it. Think of Solomon’s Temple and the palm trees surrounding the temple.
6. Ushers WANTED: USHERS — Come and join this vital ministry. We want all of our folks, members and visitors alike, to feel welcome when they enter the Worship Center. Have you noticed that more and more folks are visiting Jubilee? Possibly their first impression is the welcoming usher that gives them a bulletin and helps them find a seat.
7. Office Assistance – We are looking for a part-time office assistant. If you are interested, we encourage you to come to the office and we will give you a detailed job description.
8. Socks, Shorts, and Undies for the Oxnard Rescue Mission. We have had an excellent response for these items; however, their need is GREAT. Please bring NEW items to the church foyer. You will see boxes designated for them. FINAL COLLECTION DATE: May 28.
9. We are still in need of large pill bottles for our Operation Christmas Child project. There is a box, in the foyer, designated for them. Nancy says “Thank you to all of you who have helped with this project”!!
10. Ladies, a Summer Bible Study is being planned. The session dates are June 7th – Sept. 13th. We will start at 10 AM with prayer and announcements and then dismiss to study groups, closing at 11:30 AM. Each week is a different topic so you can come as often as you are available. “The Day Approaching” study guide is now available. You can register at the Welcome Center. Cost: $15.
11. Long-time member Shirley Dumas graduated to be with the Lord on April 26th. Her family wanted you to have access to her obituary. Her graveside service was on May 22nd in Westlake Village. “Control + Click” to follow the link. https://www.currentobituary.com/member/obit/275142