1. This Sunday, Pastor Leonard returns to the book of James. This letter was written by James for people in his day, but it was like he had insight into our time as well. I hope you can be present.
2. We’ll be sharing in the Lord’s Supper this Sunday and also be offering and anointing those with special needs. Please be in much prayer for these services.
3. I praise God for my Jubilee family. You are such a blessing to me and our missionaries and mission partners. I am so in awe of our God as He helped us raise $159,043.53 during July and August, Impact 2023. As Ryder Kumar, from India, said, “Jubilee is a very special church. Our lives have forever been changed by being with you.”
4. Be sure to have October 13-15th marked on your calendars for our Bible Conference with Dr. Robert Morgan. Please be much in prayer for him. Also, be sure to invite others to come with you. I can assure you they will be blessed.
5. Please consider writing out your life biography. Saturday, I had a memorial service at Ventura Missionary Church for a long-time friend. Knowing that his time on earth was running out, he wrote his biography. It was powerful. I read it at the service and the people appreciated hearing it so much. It makes it so much easier on the family when it comes to making arrangements. When you have finished your biography, please give a copy to keep on file here at the church.
6. Remember how much fun we had in January with the Chili Cook-Off? Well, on October 27th, there will be another event that will be just as much fun. It is our fall BBQ Harvest Festival. The program will feature Robert G. Lee, an amazing comedian. He is a wonderful Christian with a great sense of humor. Mark your calendars now, you don’t want to miss it.
7. Be sure to be in church on Sunday, September 17th• We will have just a 10 AM service that day, and then 20 minutes later, we will have our annual business meeting. Everyone is encouraged to attend the meeting, BUT members must be present. This is a once-a-year meeting and we get a chance to share with you all that the Lord has accomplished, plus give a focus for the future. You will also have the opportunity to vote for church leadership positions.
8. Please remember Pastor Mike Sherrow in prayer. He had gallbladder surgery on Monday. It appears the surgery went well. We pray that this may be a solution to his health issues.
9. Jubilee has a small inventory of medical equipment, such as wheelchairs and walkers. If you are in need to borrow a piece of equipment, call the office to see if we have it available. Also, if you would like to donate medical equipment, contact the office to see if we need it and space to store it. Thank you.