1. Have you checked our Church Library recently? There is a multitude of great books in there and they are all wonderfully arranged by Jackie Peterson. Thank you, Jackie! There are commentaries, single-volume books, or great Biblical themes … even some fiction. I want to encourage you to make use of this wonderful resource. You can read and return, read and pass on to others or read and keep.
2. Church Membership – on Saturday, April 22nd at 9 AM we will have a Membership Class. If you have chosen Jubilee as your church home, I want to encourage you to officially become a member. Get the membership form at the Welcome Center. Once completed, return it to the church office.
3. Believer’s Baptism – Saturday, April 22nd at 10:15 AM. We will have a brand new baptistry waiting to be used for the first time. We have several who are ready to follow the LORD in obedience to baptism. Just as a wedding indicates a special relationship with someone you love, baptism is the same. It is a public witness that you have accepted Jesus as your Savior and are committed. Get the form at the Welcome Center, and once completed, bring it to the church office.
4. Next Sunday is Easter! It is one of those times in the course of a year that the unchurched are willing to attend. So, I want to encourage you to invite as many as possible. Pray before you ask them and then pray that when they come, the Holy Spirit will move in their hearts. Services at 10 and 11:30 AM, with Pastor Sherrow and the choir presenting “I Will Rise” and Pastor Jim delivering the message, “Will You Rise?”
5. Jubilee Jackets – Recently, someone noticed my Jubilee jacket and wondered where I got it. Some time ago, I wanted to do something for the staff to express my appreciation for them and we hit on the idea of a jacket or vest with the church logo. They turned out very well and were not very expensive. If you are interested in getting one, check with Joan, in the office.
6. Our next “Monthly Luncheon” will be May 9th at noon. “Music That Inspires Our Hearts” is the theme. Mark your calendars, this program is for you! Sign-up will begin on April 16th.
7. Operation Christmas Child pill bottle update. Nancy reports that we packed 60 pill bottle sewing kits last week and had a great time. For our next project, we need larger pill bottles. If you have any big ones, please bring them to church and put them in the red bin on the Information Table in the foyer. Thank you!!!!
8. REMINDER – There will be NO Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday of this week. We will resume the following Wednesday, 04/12.
9. CELL PHONES – PLEASE silence your cell phone as you enter the church building or attend a church event. Our “customized” ringtones or notifications can be awfully distracting to others in the church body. Just remember to extend grace to those who forget to silence their cell phones.
August 20-25, Missions’ Conference Week
October 13-15, Dr. Robert J. Morgan
– a seasoned pastor, speaker, and author whom Jubilee has come to love and appreciate. His inspiring messages always bring refreshment to the Word as he shares through scripture memory and stories.