1. All ladies are encouraged to attend our Women’s Ministries Bible Study every Wednesday at 10:00 AM. They are presently studying 1st and 2nd Peter.
2. Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study, every Thursday at 6:00 AM. For the next several weeks, Pastor Leonard wants to share a terrific book by Rich DeVos, the co-founder of the Amway Corporation. He died September 6th, 2018 at the age of 92. Rich was a devout Christian, a very successful businessman, and a man who was always thinking ahead. In the book, he shares ten principles essential for success in life or business. I hope many men will come and be blessed. A donation of $5.00 is suggested for breakfast.
3. A must-read book by Dr. Erwin Lutzer is, “We Wil Not Be Silenced.” It is a book that takes a strong look at the direction our nation is going and what Christians and Churches can do in a counter-Christian culture, to not only survive, but to actually help our nation get back on track. Cost $10.00.
4. Church Membership – as a pastor I really want people to pray about joining Jubilee. The primary requirement is you must be a born-again follower of Jesus Christ. We will cover other matters in the membership class. Application forms are at the Welcome Center, and on the tables near each entrance into the sanctuary. Pick one up, fill it out and return it to the church office. The class will be held sometime in the next 2 or 3 weeks.
5. All Church Prayer Time – Thursdays at noon. It is so important that we come together in prayer and seek the LORD for ourselves, each other, the church, our missionaries and ministries, and our nation.
6. Good News! – the retirement homes are starting to ask us to return and begin our vesper services again. There are four places where we have been having services – Aegis, Townhouse, Cypress Place, and the Townhouse. A typical service is about 30 minutes long and includes hymn singing, prayer, special music (sometimes), and a short message. If you would like to be involved, send me an email listing how you would like to serve. We will need a number of pianists. If you play the piano, I hope you will assist us.