- A Reminder About Prayer Requests
When you submit a prayer request, please make sure you have the permission, from the people involved in the request, for Jubilee to print their names. ALSO, the team appreciates hearing about how prayers are answered. We do not have the staff to make follow-up calls, so your notes and calls to us keeping us apprised of the situation is helpful for meaningful prayers of petition and thanksgiving. - The Reopening Task-force is working diligently on a plan to reopen Jubilee church services, at the most appropriate time for our congregation. The Governor just released a 13-page “guideline” that requires a tremendous amount of detail work. We will keep you posted as soon as we have a reopen date … keeping in mind that this is a fluid situation that changes from day-to-day. We covet your prayers for the tasks before us.
- Sunday Service on-line. Our 11:30 AM Sunday live-streaming is working, on the whole, very well. Some of you have had problems with it and it is probably due to bandwidth in your area. There is no easy solution other than waiting until the recorded service comes on the website, later in the afternoon.
- For either live-stream or recorded service, go to our LIVE STREAM here or to SERMONS here.
- Offerings can be brought to the office, M-Th, 9 AM-1 PM, or mailed (2226 Goodyear Ave., V. 93003) or GIVE ONLINE here through our website. You have been so faithful in your giving. Thank you.