- This Sunday we will be celebrating Communion. So, have your crackers and juice ready, wherever you are joining us in worship. During the week, prepare your heart for worship. Ask the LORD to reveal any issues in your heart and life that need His cleansing.
- Jubilee Re-Opening – I just want you to know that our task-force is working obligingly to put together a plan that meets state and county requirements and will assure your safety. You are our top priority. As soon as our plan is complete, we will share it with you. It will be very important that all of us follow it explicitly. I know we can count on you to help us do so.
- For Your Information – for some time I have been involved in scripture texting. Basically, I ask the Holy Spirit to show me a verse or several verses to share with certain individuals. I never quite know why He prompts me to send someone a verse, but time after time, I hear back, “It was just what I needed.” The list seems to keep growing. So, if one of these days you receive such a text message from me, it was just because He prompted me to do so. I hope you are blessed by this ministry. You know you could do the same for others.
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