1. Help yourself to Pastor Leonard’s FREE BOOKS! He doesn’t have room for all of them in his office, so there are boxes of them in the foyer, near the office.
2. This Sunday, 07/09, at the end of the services, we will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper (Communion) and anointing with oil those with special needs.
3. This Sunday, it will be our privilege to have Steve and Jenell Bender as our guests. Steve is the Associate Missions Director of BBFI Missionary Care. Several of the missionaries we support are with this very fine organization.
4. We need your help. Recently we put a quarter-page ad in the Breeze. It is a free publication that you will find in hospitals, motels, restaurants, etc. Last week we recorded two 30-minute broadcasts on KDAR to let people know about Jubilee. I can say, without any hesitation that the best advertisement for Jubilee is you, the people. If you love Jubilee, then I encourage you to invite family and friends to worship with us.
5. The Bible says that we are to pray for each other and pray with each other. If you are dealing with any issue, whether it is related to finances, health, relationships, employment, or spiritual needs, please let the pastors know. It is their desire to uphold you in prayer. Also, let them know if you want to be added to the weekly Prayer Sheet.
6. Church Membership – have you decided to make Jubilee your church home? Then, we would love to have you become members. Forms for this are at the Welcome Center. Pick one up, complete it, and return it to the Office. We will contact you and walk you through the process. It is really quite easy.
7. A very helpful tool. There are many false religions in our world. The important thing is what they teach about Jesus and the Word of God. To help keep you from being deceived, we purchased a special handout that tells what each of these religions teaches. “Christianity, Cults & Religions – a side-by-side comparison chart of 20 groups” is on the Information Table. Please take one per household.
8. Child Evangelism Fellowship urgently need volunteers for their upcoming Ventura County Fair Ministry. In particular, they need men or women who are willing to share the Gospel using the Wordless Book at the Little Red Schoolhouse. Training is available. If you are able and willing to participate in this open-air ministry, any day between August 2 and 13, please visit their website (cefventura.org) and register.
9. We are preparing for our Annual Congregational Meeting, which will be on Sunday, Sept. 17th after the one service at 10 AM. We are preparing our leadership ballot. If there is someone you would like the Nominating Committee to consider, there are special forms at the Welcome Center. Be sure to ask the ‘candidate’ if they are a member of Jubilee and willing to serve if nominated. If they say “yes” on both counts, complete the form and return it to the church office and we will contact them.
10. Next Grief Group Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 11th at 4 PM in the Library/Conference Room.