1. Have you been baptized since you received Christ as your Savior? If you have not, then as your pastor, I want to encourage you to do so, as an expression of your faith relationship with Jesus Christ. We will be baptizing on Sunday, September 15th. Please let us know of your desire to honor your LORD in this way. Forms are available on the Information Table each Sunday morning.
2. Our annual church business meeting will be Sunday, September 15th right after our worship service. At that time, we will elect our leadership for our next church year and we will vote on several by-law changes. We will also share how we are progressing on proposed facility changes.
3. Don’t miss the showing of “God Is Not Dead II”. If you have family or friends who are not saved, please bring them as your guests to this free showing. The message of the movie is powerful. We will show it Sunday, September 15th at 5 PM.
4. Do you need help with estate planning, financial planning, trusts, wills, investments? On Sunday, September 22nd, right after our worship service, we will meet with representatives from the Christian Foundation of the West. A light lunch will be served. You must sign up.
5. What an Incredible Week! Our Missions Conference was a blessing from the very beginning. The three couples came to us in need of being refreshed and you didn’t disappoint them.
After the banquet, one of them used these words … “We feel so refreshed.” I want to thank all the members of the Missions Board and all of you who pitched in to make this a week where Jesus was honored and the missionaries really knew we had their backs. To be able to give each couple a check for $10,715 was way beyond my expectations. You could tell they were thrilled. Thank you, Jubilee, for being such a fantastic fellowship. I love you … Pastor Leonard.
6. Plan to attend a Jubilee brunch/program on Sept. 17th at 10 AM. Lynn Bulock will bring a program on NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Her “Bridges of Hope” presentation will include the basics of mental health and ministering to families and individuals with mental health challenges. Sign-up for this event starting Sept. 1st, cost for brunch is $7.00. Mark your calendars: October 18, 19 and 20 for our 2nd Annual Bible Conference with pastor and author, Dr. Robert Morgan, as our guest. You won’t want to miss any of the sessions.
8. Lost and Found – We keep the Lost and Found basket over by the Book Exchange wall. Have you lost a nice aqua water bottle? Or, possibly this past week, a cell phone? We also have a nice chair cushion (black) that is located in the office kitchenette.
9. Prayer Meeting will be next week … the first Wednesday in September, (the 4th) from 6PM to 7PM. Come join your sisters and brothers, in Christ, for a time of focused prayer for our nation, our elected officials and our church.