Announcements & Events
1. Don’t miss the showing of the new animated version of Pilgrims’ Progress, this Wednesday, December 18th at 5 PM. This movie is being highly applauded by all ages. Invite family and friends to come and view it here.
2. Just a reminder, we will be having our first Christmas Eve service, December 24th at 5 PM. Again, we encourage you to invite family, friends, neighbors — everyone for this special celebration of our Savior’s birth.
3. Josh McDowell, one of the all-time great Biblical Apologists, will be with us January 25-26th. This is an incredible opportunity to be strengthened in our faith. In a day when so many pastors and churches are so wishy-washy about their faith, Josh is holding strong on the Biblical roots of our faith. You will have a new confidence in the reliability of God’s Word as you sit under Josh’s teaching. PLEASE spread the word. There is no cost for the event.
4. New Members will be received on Sunday, January 12th at 11:30 AM. If you wish to join, please complete the membership application form and return it to us right away. Forms are available at the Information Table, or call the church office – 805-535-4325.
5. There will be no Adult Bible Class until January. Watch for the date we plan to resume.
6. Our Missionary focus, for this week, is Brian and Brenda Kim. Please remember these dear folks, who serve in Korea.
7. Grief Group meets this afternoon at 4 PM. Come join Paul Lenderman, Certified Grief Counselor, for a special time of sharing.
8. FREE — Two Trees has a used BBQ (3-burner) that is yours for the taking. It needs cleaning up, but should work fine. Come by if interested.