1. SERMONS – We are continuing with the Revelation series. A. If you have missed any, you can see them on YouTube. Go to the church website: vjf.church and tap on “SERMONS.” There you will find all the sermons, by date. B. If you do not use a computer, we are happy to mail you an audio […]
Strength for Our Trials
1 Corinthians 10:1-13 In this meditation, I really want to focus on verse 13 that says – “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make a way […]
What Will Heaven Be Like?
We have just celebrated the resurrection of our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. These last several months have really been hard, as so many have been affected by coronavirus. Many have died. Our son, Sheldon, has some of the symptoms, so they are treating him as though he has the virus. In light of the […]
Announcements 04.14.20
1. If you would like any of the Daily Bread booklets, notify the office, and we are happy to mail them to you. Indicate which one(s) you would like. Our Daily Bread – March, April, May 2020 Our Daily Bread – June, July, August 2020 Our Daily Bread, Large Print – April, May, June 2020 […]
Christians in a Counter-Christian Culture
If you are not aware that in our nation today, there are bold, brazen attempts to silence the voice of the Christ-followers, then I am not sure you care or are concerned. Recently, Dr. Robert Jeffress discovered several books he considered inappropriate in the children’s section of the local library. He called the library, expressed […]
Sins of the Saints
The term “Saint” is just another term in scripture for a believer or Christ follower. It is not someone who is super spiritual. The term is used numerous times in the Scriptures. (Psalm 37:28; 50:15; 116:15; Daniel 7:25; Ephesians 8:8; Jude 3 and Revelation 16:6) As you look at the title of this meditation, you […]
Announcements 03.31.20
1. ON-LINE GIVING – it’s up and running. If you would like to give your tithe, via on-line, go to our church website (www.vjf.church). In the menu, you will see “Giving”. Tap on that and it will lead you through the secure process. You will have an opportunity to designate, or, check-off, General Fund. This […]
Check out our new website! We are excited to share with you this new look for Jubilee. Go to: www.vjf.church …. Among several informational screens (a new menu), you will find the weekly sermons. Our sincere thanks to Pete Simson for helping us launch and maintain our first website and to Bill Abeyta for moving […]
Prayer and Healing
I thank the LORD that I know he is the Great Physician and that He heals. When I was a teenager, my father, not a Christian, had a heart attack. He was in a coma and not expected to live through the night. Our church turned the evening service into a prayer meeting. During the […]
Announcements 2020.03.17
Just a reminder that, due to the virus, all church activities have been cancelled or postponed until the end of March. Please note the following: 1. If you have a prayer request, please send it to the church office via email ([email protected]) or call, 805-535-4325. 2. We appreciate your continued giving … if you would […]