What Is Ahead for Us? You are looking at the heading of this meditation and thinking, “He is probably going to talk about Jubilee — the church.” Actually, you would be wrong. The focus of this meditation is, “What is ahead for each of us as individuals.” First of all, regardless of whether we are […]
1. What a Great Sunday! Sickness and the rain kept a few people away, but that didn’t take away from the rich ministry of Charlie Campbell as he taught on Bible prophecy in the morning and how to answer the objections of skeptics at 5 PM. The feedback was so positive. We will have Charlie back, for […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.05.21
Our Identity Recently, when I was asked to conduct a funeral for a lady, the LORD called home, I felt so led by the Holy Spirit to speak on the subject of “Our Identity.” Several asked that I share it in our Weekly. I addressed two very important questions: 1. “Who Am I” and 2. […]
1. A Reminder – our Grief Ministry, directed by Pastor Paul Linderman, begins today, May 14th, in the Conference Room. Pass the word of this new Jubilee Ministry. 2. This Sunday – Charlie Campbell will be with us for a focus on Biblical Prophecy and Evangelism. He will speak at 11:30 AM and again at […]