Years ago, the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago had a radio program where they shared the true stories of those whose lives had been radically transformed when they met Jesus Christ. The stories were about those whose lives had been shipwrecked on the sea of life due to addiction of alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. They […]
Prevailing in Prayer Part II
In our last meditation, we talked about the hindrances to an effective prayer life. Today, I want to share with you ways to enrich your prayer life and enhance your walk with Christ. Seek the LORD with all your Heart and Soul. In Deuteronomy 4:29, Moses assured the people … “But from there you will […]
Announcements The service for Clara Baughey will be this Thursday at 10 AM at Conejo Mountain Cemetery. DON’T FORGET – Our Bible Conference with Dr. Robert Morgan begins this Friday at 6 PM. Friday night’s presentation, “All About the Bible” will continue on Saturday morning at 9 AM. His presentation is based on the study […]
Prevailing in Prayer Part I
Let me begin this meditation by defining the word ‘prevail’. There are several suggested meanings: 1) To be strong or well. 2) To stretch or strain forward. 3) To advance to gain the advantage. In James 5:16 we read, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” In the Holman Christian Standard Bible, […]
Announcements Don’t Forget — The time change takes place this Sunday, March 8th! Set your clocks one hour ahead. SPRING FORWARD. Don’t miss this Sunday! There are two great events taking place: A. Johnny and Ruth Larring will be with us. They have been scheduled for some time. They will do a couple of numbers […]
Announcements & Events 2020.02.18
ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. This Sunday, we will bless those who bring a guest. Stop at the Welcome Center and give them your name and the name of your guest(s). Remember, the guest(s) must be someone you would like to see get interested in Jubilee. 2. Movie Night – this Wednesday, February 19th at 5:30 PM. We […]
On Being a Disciple Maker
Jesus Christ is the Head of the true church. (Ephesians 5:21-24) In the Gospel of Matthew (28:18-20) Jesus came to His disciples and said, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Report on Search for Associate Pastor.Ever since the Lord called Pastor Dave Warbritton home, on July 29th, I have had a team working with me to see who the LORD would send here to work alongside of me. This time, the search has been harder. We have gone through many resumes, conducted a […]
A Day of Deception
As I prepare to do a new series on the book of Revelation, I can’t help but think of how relevant the term “fake’ really is. It is simply another term for the word “false”. It is everywhere. We are surrounded with it: “Fake News”, “Fake Citizenship”, “Fake Economy”, “Fake Marriage”, “Fake Worship”, and on it […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. New Sermon Series Begins Next Sunday, February 9th. I will begin a new series on Bible Prophecy based on the book of Revelation. Many people are interested in prophecy, even the unchurched. Please invite others to be a part of this series. 2. You Won’t Want to Miss … “Engaging God’s Word – 1 & 2 […]