Before returning to heaven Jesus made a promise to His followers – Matthew 14:15-18: “If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper that he may abide with you forever – the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND EVENTS 1. Many thanks to all the volunteers who made our weekend with Josh McDowell a huge success. Getting him here was the easy part. All of you working together made it happen. I am so proud of you. 2. Be sure you join us next Sunday, February 2nd for our second communion […]
Experience God
Several years ago, Henry Blackaby and Claude King wrote a book that became a best seller. I think it touched a nerve that many Christians have wrestled with — a desire to experience God. The prophet Amos wrote, “Surely the LORD does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7) […]
Announcements & Events 1. Be sure to register for the Josh McDowell Conference: Saturday morning: 9 AM – 12:30 PM, “Discover the Evidence” – An adventure through history, archaeology & antiquity. The reliability of the Bible. Sunday morning: 11:30 church service, “Skeptics Quest” – his spiritual journey, an amazing personal testimony. (no need to register for […]
The Promises of God
The Bible is full of promises given to us by God, who loves us. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to Titus wrote – “This letter is from Paul, a slave of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ. I have been sent to proclaim faith to those God has chosen and to teach them […]
Announcements & EventsPrayer Focus: Ventura County Christian School 1. Grief Group known as “Mark’s Ministry” meets TODAY, Tuesday, at 4 PM. Pastor Paul Lenderman, our director, will help you to understand how complicated grief can be. Even if your loss goes back for years. I really encourage you to attend. 2. Don’t miss “Movie Night”, […]
The Highs and Lows of Jesus’ Ministry
John, in the Gospel that bears his name, has one primary goal — to convince his readers that Jesus is God, come or clothed with flesh. As you follow the life and ministry of Jesus, you see He certainly had His highs and lows as far as the public was concerned. Chapter 12 of John’s […]
Announcements and Events 1. Please join us for prayer – this Wednesday at 6 PM in the Multi-purpose Room. Our nation is facing many challenges. We need to really seek the Lord. 2. Be sure to register for the Josh McDowell Conference. Go There are TWO places to register. The first is for the […]
Jubilee Weekly 2020.01.07
NOTE: SEE BELOW FOR REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR JOSH McDOWELL CONFERENCE “My Personal Journey on Stewardship” In Malachi 3:6-12, we read what God has to say about the giving of tithes and offerings.“Yet from the days of your fathersYou have gone away from My ordinancesAnd have not kept them.Return to Me, and I will return to […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS 1. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who made our Christmas special — You gave us meals, baked goods, candy, special gifts and a terrific bonus from the church. If I Don’t get thank you notes written, please accept this note as from my heart to yours. Between caring for Joyce […]