“The Savior and Our Sin”Part II This meditation is a continuation from last week where we focused on the rays of light sent forth by Jesus Christ, the Son of Righteousness. Jesus is the Light of the world. He shines on our lives and wants to shine in our hearts and through our lives. 4. […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS 1. What a Great Evening We Experienced last Tuesday. We learned much about the National Police Dog Foundation. We learned much about the role of the K-9s in law enforcement. We enjoyed a fantastic dinner. I’m thinking that some may still want to contribute toward the purchase of another dog. If you […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.07.30
Dear Jubilee Family, it was good to see so many attend this morning’s prayer and sharing time, in memory of Pastor Dave. His sudden passing has affected each of us deeply and our Christian fellowship helps ease the pain.Kodi, their children and extended family are all gathering. They need our prayers and support. Funeral arrangements […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS 1. For your information — many of you indicated, on Sunday, that you weren’t aware of KDAR radio station. There is a great teaching and some music everyday of the week. The address is 98.3 FM. 2. This Sunday, we will be honoring the memory of one of God’s great missionaries — […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.07.23
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made In Psalm 139:14 (NLT) the writer declares —“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous — how well I know it” In the English Standard Version, it reads —“I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS 1. Attention men — we would love to have you go fishing with our missionary men. We will leave Tuesday evening, August 20th, fish all day Wednesday and return late afternoon. Be sure to see Don Fromberg if you desire to go. 2. This Sunday, we will be receiving new members. You […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.07.16
Praise the Lord As I begin to write this meditation, I am sitting in my home office trying to ignore the pain that comes from shingles (and I don’t mean the kind on the roof-top). It is the perfect setting to write about “Praising God.” I just noticed that Psalm 146, 147, 148, 149 and […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS 1. Don’t forget — this Saturday, July 13th, at 9 AM, we will have a membership class. If you are a born-again Christian, love the spirit of Jubilee and want to help advance God’s kingdom, we would love to have you join. We would prefer to have your membership form prior to […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.07.09
Incredible God In his defense before King Agrippa, Paul, in Acts 28:8 wrote, “Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?” Do you believe God can raise the dead? We have numerous examples in Scripture of Jesus doing that very thing. For example: · He raised the […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS 1. It is time for Jubilee to gather once again for our monthly Prayer Meeting and intercede for the nation. We will meet Wednesday at 6 PM in the Worship Center. Please join us. 2. By the way men — we will be meeting, as usual, this Thursday, July 4th at 6 […]