We Have an Adversary Part 2 Perhaps you are wondering why I am writing about Satan or Lucifer or the devil. They are one and the same. Whether you are a Christian or an unbeliever, you are a target of Satan. His goal is to deceive, accuse and destroy. He hates all humans because we […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS 1. Special July 4th Celebration at Cypress Place. It is going to be a great event with many special features, plus lunch. You do not need to register, so call 805-918-5078 and let them know you wish to attend. 2. We would love to have you join Jubilee Fellowship. You must be […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.06.25
We Have an Adversary Part I In the preface of his book, “Satan is No Myth”, J. Oswald Sanders wrote – “The consistent theme of the Bible from beginning to end is the conflict between good and evil, between God and the devil. It begins with the serpent in Eden in Genesis 3, and concludes […]
Announcements & Events 1. This Sunday, you will want to hear pastor Dave, our Associate Pastor. It is so good to have him, Kodi, Maci and Joshua here to be a part of the Jubilee family. 2. The nominating process is underway, as we prepare for our church business meeting, Sunday, September 15th. Forms are […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.06.19
The Need For Faith How important is faith? According to Hebrews 11:6, it is the only way we can please God. “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”In Hebrews 11:1, […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.06.12
Are We Doing What Jesus Commissioned Us to Do? In asking that question, I am directing it to each of us individually and also collectively, as a church. Before you answer the question, you probably want to know what Christ has commissioned us to do and the answer is seen in several places in the […]
1. The Warbritton’s have arrived! Dave, our new Associate Pastor, wife Kodi and children, Joshua and Macy are here and are getting settled. We thank the LORD for their safe arrival. Let’s all be here Sunday to give them a royal welcome. 2. Plan to attend the brunch honoring the Warbritton family on Tuesday, June 18th […]
1. Prayer Meeting this week. Please join us Wednesday evening at 6 PM for an hour of prayer for our nation. Satan is leading a battle for the very soul of our nation. We must stand in the gap for America and intercede as never before. Ezekiel 22:30 “So, I sought for a man among them […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.06.05
What Are You Searching For? Recently, on a Sunday morning, I shared this quote from Dr. Joseph Stowell, a former president of Moody Bible Institute. “The Westminster Shorter Catechism is correct when it concludes that ‘man’s chief end’ is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Why, then, are we so consumed with glorifying ourselves […]
1. Don’t Miss This Sunday – We will be observing the LORD’s Supper and anointing with oil and praying for those with special needs. The Holy Spirit has put on my heart a powerful meditation for communion. I look forward to sharing it with you. 2. Sunday, June 9th at 5 PM, the Adoration Quartet […]