Lately, I have been reading a book titled “When Faith is Forbidden.” It was written by Todd Nettleton who is with Voice of the Martyrs. He spent forty days going to different countries where Christians have paid dearly for their faith. He interviewed those who had been in prison and had suffered so much. It was amazing […]
Announcements 10.10.23
1. Our Bible Conference with Dr. Robert Morgan is next weekend – October 13-15! Our weekend theme will be: The Mediterranean Sea Rules – The Same God Who Governs the Weather Can Guide You Through the Storms. Dr. Morgan’s ministry will greatly enrich your life. Sessions will be as follows: Friday, 13th @ 6 p.m.; Saturday, 14th […]
“Do Not Be Distressed”
Introduction There are many things going on in our world today that can cause us to be distressed and discouraged: The potential of a nuclear war Spread of diseases Increase of different forms of terrorism A growing denial of God and departure from His word. More and more disregard for human life. Increased intrusion of […]
Announcements 10.03.23
1. Are you living on the edge financially? If you are – and you have done everything you know to do, to change your situation – please let us know. If at all possible, we will try to help. 2. Our Bible Conference with Dr. Robert Morgan is next weekend – October 13-15! Our weekend theme will be: The […]
“Total Healing”
Jesus Christ is the Great Physician. In Psalm 103:3 NLT David wrote, “He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.” In Acts 9:34 NLT we read, “Peter said to him, ‘Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you! Get up, and roll up your sleeping mat!’ And he was healed instantly.” In Exodus 15:26 NLT we read, “He […]
Announcements 09.26.23
1. Ladies, October 4th is nearly here! There is still time to register for the fall Women’s Bible Study. You can register for the class and purchase the Study book at the Café Counter on Sunday morning. “Romans, Live with Clarity” is an 8-session study guide and will be available for $15. 2. Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study – […]
“The Importance of Scripture in our Daily Lives” Part 2
To review what I shared last week, the inspiration of Scripture refers to God’s direction to the human authors of the Bible to compose and record His message to humanity in their original writings. Based on Scripture passages, I shared several “Truths”… The Truth about: Salvation; Our Assurance; Fear; Temptation; Trials; Pride; Anger; Justice and […]
Announcements 09.19.23
1. A big thank you for attending our Annual Business Meeting. The leadership of our church, Pastors, Staff, and Board Members, are blessed to serve knowing you are so willing to give of your time, talents, and treasures. The result of the leadership ballot count… all candidates for the board positions were voted in. 2. Attention […]
“The Importance of Scripture In Our Daily Lives”
The first thing we need to remember is that the Scriptures were inspired by the Holy Spirit. 1 Peter 1:10-12 “This salvation was something even the prophets wanted to know more about when they prophesied about this gracious salvation prepared for you. They wondered what time or situation the Spirit of Christ within them was […]
Announcements 09.12.23
1. Glory to God! When Joe Johns was with us during our Missions Emphasis months, he mentioned how Jubilee had responded, over a year ago, for some money to purchase programmed radios in the language of an unreached people group, known as the Koli people. We sent World Partners, which he directs, $3,200. When here, he […]