There are a number of lessons we can and should learn from the life of Noah. In Genesis 6:17 we are told, “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with wickedness.” God actually grieved over the fact that He had ever made people. According to Gen. 6:9, Noah lived […]
Announcements 03.21.23
1. Operation Christmas Child pill bottle update. Nancy reports that “we packed 60 pill bottle sewing kits last week and had a great time. For our next project, we need larger pill bottles. If you have any big ones, please bring them to church and put them in the red bin on the Information Table in […]
“Unconditional Love”
The Apostle John is one of my favorite New Testament figures. As you read, his gospel and the three epistles, you would have to say “What a man!” But, if we consider the earlier years of his walk with the LORD, we would discover that he was a man who struggled with self-centeredness. In Mark […]
Announcements 03.14.23
1. Church Membership – We praise the Lord for all of our Jubilee family and the many new people who are now attending. I would like to encourage you to pray about officially joining and becoming members. Application forms are at the Welcome Center. Complete the form and return it to the church office. We will […]
“Learning the Potential of Prayer”
In James 5:17 we read Elijah was a man of prayer. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain for a total of three years and six months. Folks, when our hearts are right, God listens to us. But he […]
Announcements 03.07.23
1. Choir Practice on Sunday, March 12th. 4-5:30 PM 2. Who: Anyone who wants to participate. What: Making pill bottle sewing kits for the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. The goal is 50-60. When: Monday, March 13 from 10-12:30 (approximately) Where: Larry and Nancy Drake’s; 663 Viewcrest Dr. Ventura RSVP- Nancy 805-340-4393 Details: Everything will be provided to do the project. Come and have a […]
“Strange Weather – God Nudge?”
My brother from Ohio called me the other day because he had heard the weather reports for Southern California. He was amazed to hear about the possibility of snow in Los Angeles County. Then the other day my family decided to take in a movie. When we got off the exit for the movie theatre, I noticed a […]
Announcements 02.28.23
1. CHARLIE CAMPBELL will be here Saturday morning, March 4th at 9:00 AM. 9:00 AM “Evidence for God” – Building a compelling case that the God of the Bible exists. 10:00 AM “The Bible’s Amazing Scientific Accuracy and Foresight” 11:00 AM “The Case for Jesus: Answers to Skeptics’ Top Seven Objections” Note – There will be 10-minute […]
I remember as a young boy going on vacation to western North Carolina to visit my great uncle who had a home in the mountains. He had sons my age and we enjoyed hanging out together and messing around the mountain community. Every once in a while, we would go into the nearby town (Franklin, North Carolina) […]
Announcements 02.21.23
1. Our next “Monthly Luncheon” – Join us on Tuesday, February 28, for a luncheon and program presented by Dave Nichols of Green Thumb Nursery. Come and learn all about spring gardening. Dave has been the “go-to guy” in the garden section for many years. He’ll share “What’s New” and answer your spring gardening questions. There are […]