CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATE – Now Through February 9 If you haven’t already done so, please confirm your directory listing at the Welcome Center. Pick up a directory GREEN CARD to add or update your contact information at the Welcome Center or on the Information Table. NEW PHOTOS will be taken next Sunday the 9th in-between […]
Announcements 01.27.25
CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATE – Now Through February 9 As a regular attender or member of VJF, you are an integral part of this church family, and Church Directories are an excellent tool to help us put names with faces. Is your contact info in our church directory? Has your contact info changed since our Summer […]
“A Shepherd’s Heart”
When Jesus chose a metaphor to illustrate His concern and love for people, He identified Himself as the Good Shepherd. John 10:11, 14. Paul tried very hard to pattern his ministry after that of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He was not only an evangelist and theologian, but also a devoted shepherd and pastor. […]
Announcements 01.20.25
MEMORIAL FOR SHEILA RANGERE The memorial for Sheila Rangere will be held Friday, January 31, at 10 AM, here at Ventura Jubilee Fellowship. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES Marilyn Mansi’s husband Erni went to be with Jesus a few months back, and last week, God called Marilyn home to heaven also. She will be greatly missed, but […]
“Thoughts by Adrian Rogers”
Adrian Rogers was an amazing pastor-teacher. He had a unique way with words and he had a quick wit. He’s been with the Lord since 2005. I’d like to share a few of his “thoughts” with you. Blessings, Pastor Leonard What we need is not great FAITH, but faith in a great God. Our greatest […]
Announcements 01.13.25
INAUGURAL PRAYER HOUR – SUNDAY, JANUARY 19th, 3-4 PM God tells us to pray for our leaders. As President-elect Trump prepares to become our 47th President on January 20, we want to come together as the body of Christ for a special prayer time on Sunday, January 19 from 3-4 PM. This honors God, and, […]
Announcements 01.06.25
MEMORIAL FOR THE HARMELINGS The memorial for Dr. Mark and Miriam Harmeling is on Saturday, January 11, 2025, at 2 PM, at Pleasant Valley Bible Church. MEMORIAL FOR SHEILA RANGERE A Memorial for Sheila Rangere will be on Friday, January 31, 2025, at 10 AM at VJF church. INAUGURAL PRAYER HOUR – SUNDAY, JANUARY 19th, […]
Over the years, there have been times when I knew things weren’t right between me and someone else. I can’t live like that, so I have gone each time to find out what I did that offended a brother or sister in Christ. The Bible says to “speak the truth in love.” There is nothing […]
Announcements 12.30.24
2025 BIBLE READING GUIDES The Bible has a lot to say about how your life can be transformed and blessed by reading God’s Word. This easy-to-use Bible reading plan will help you grow closer to Jesus Christ in the New Year. The 2025 Bible Reading Guides are available on the table outside the office. MEMORIAL SERVICE The […]
“The Witness of the Holy Spirit”
In 1 John 3:1a we read, See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are! The New King James Version puts it like this: Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! In some translations, […]