We all need help whether we realize it or not. There are some who need help, but for one reason or another, they will not admit it. What a shame, because real help is available. The writer of the book of Hebrews, in the closing chapter, gives some very important exhortations and other remarks. In […]
Announcements 12.21.21
1. What a Great Week We Had … The church dinner, with guest Larry Wayne Morbitt, was such a blessing. Many worked very hard to make it happen. Thank you so very much. This past Sunday was powerful. The bells, directed by Pam Merillat, were great for their first appearance. The choir musical, directed by Pastor […]
“A Special Child is Born”
In Isaiah 9:6 we read “For a child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us, and the government will rest on His shoulders.” In Isaiah 7:14 the prophet wrote, “Therefore, the LORD HIMSELF will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive, have a son, and name Him Immanuel.” Folks, […]
Announcements 12.14.21
1. Next Sunday, December 19th at 10 and 11:30 AM, two great presentations by our choir. Please invite family, friends, and people you work with. They will be blessed. This is such a great way to introduce people to our church. 2. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE – We invite you to come and share in an intimate and worshipful […]
Merry Christmas from the Merillats!
We are living at a time when darkness is pressing in and threatening to overwhelm our lives. MORE THAN EVER, this Christmas we need to see the real Jesus – who bonded with us as a baby and became the source of eternal salvation. (Hebrews 5:9) This was God’s plan from the beginning. For a […]
Announcements 12.07.21
Just a word about our CHRISTMAS DINNER, Monday, December 13th at 6 PM. We want to start right at 6 PM, so if you could be there and seated by then, we would really appreciate it. Also, if you have tickets and your plans change, PLEASE let us know as soon as possible as we have a […]
“Merry Christmas from Pastor Leonard”
Well, it is Christmas 2021. It has been a tough year, but also a year of great blessing. I praise God for the announcement of the angel in Luke 2:11, “For there is born to you this day in the city of David (Bethlehem) a Savior, who is Christ the LORD.” That verse tells us […]
Announcements 11.30.21
Item for Praise – This past week I received word from a family to let me know that their mother, who passed away, had included Jubilee in her will. They were thrilled to think that their mother’s influence would live on through her gift to the church she loved. I was blessed because I wasn’t aware […]
“Welcome to Advent”
This truly is a wonderful time of the year. In many ways, there is a greater focus on Christ’s first advent. The very word “advent” means “coming.” He came the first time as a little baby born under very humble circumstances. He is going to come again as a conquering King. The advent season begins […]
Announcements 11.16.21
1. Movie Night – Friday, November 19th at 6 PM. We will be showing “The Case for Christ.” It is the true story of atheist Lee Strobel and his journey to faith in Christ. If you know of people not saved, please invite them to come. Oh yes, and do bring snacks to share with others. 2. A […]