Worship Announcement: We will NOT be broadcasting a live-stream worship service this Sunday, the 24th! We encourage you to locate a favorite Bible teacher on TV and watch their message. Or, re-watch one of our services on our website here or on the YouTube channel. Medical Update: Senior Pastor Leonard is out of the hospital […]
Announcements 01.12.21
1. Ladies’ Bible Study begins again this Wednesday at 10 AM. There is still time to sign-up and order a study guide if needed. 2. Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study, Thursdays at 6 AM. You will receive a special notice calling for your attendance response. If you are coming, it is important that you sign up […]
I’m pretty sure that I am safe in saying that all of us are faced with temptation. Satan will see to that. I know I am safe in saying that God, who loves us, will not tempt us. In James 1:13-15, we read, “No one undergoing a trial should say, “I am being tempted by […]
Announcements 01.05.21
1. Update on Palma Drive – Last week we went over and picked up our offices and decided how they would be arranged. This past Thursday, I signed the lease and met the landlady and her daughter. They are very supportive of what we want to accomplish. We will start making some of the changes […]
“The Name of God”
This meditation is going to be primarily scriptures that talk about the name of God and what it means to us. I hope you will look up these scriptures and highlight them in your Bible and reflect on them. God’s name implies “the whole combination of divine perfections.” Psalm 52:9 tells us that God’s name […]
Announcements 12.29.20
1. End of Year Giving Reminder – Jubilee has been blessed through your generous giving. Our church leadership has made every effort to serve in a way that exemplifies good stewardship. Our upcoming move, for example, will save thousands of dollars in lease payments. Our Mission giving is stronger than ever. Thank you for not […]
“Facing the Future with God”
We are about to enter a new year that I believe will be very challenging for us in many ways. I am challenging myself and you, that no matter what we face, we hold the course knowing that our LORD is with us and He will champion our cause. The Apostle Paul challenged the Christians […]
Announcements 12.22.20
1. Thank you for the many different Christmas items you sent to our family and the church staff. The gifts, goodies, and your generosity have made this a very special Christmas. 2. By the way — LADIES – your Bible Study will NOT TAKE PLACE this Wednesday. We will resume our studies on Wednesday, January 13th. The […]
“Overview of Coming Events”
One thing is certain – whatever God’s word predicts, will come to pass. God does not change, and neither does His word. Listen to the expressions of the Apostle Peter – 1:23-25 ESV – “Since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God, […]
Announcements 12.17.20
1. Men’s Ministry News – We had our first gathering on Thursday, Dec. 10th. The breakfast we served was prepared at McDonald’s and elsewhere … so, every precaution was taken. The men were so happy to be together again. Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the 17th. We will let you know when we can meet […]