…With your prayer life? If you could sit down and talk to any one person in the world, who would it be? What are the chances that you could have an audience with the person you have in mind? And yet, we can call on and share with the Creator of heaven and earth, just […]
Announcements 09.29.20
1. It Was So Good Seeing You on Sunday! Between the Pandemic and my illness, it has been so hard for me to not see you, my church family. So, seeing you gather together brought me great joy. I loved the way you greeted each other and enjoyed each other. I know the set-up is […]
“Faith and God’s Response”
I recently shared this meditation with our church staff and I felt I wanted to share it with you – my church family. Basically, I want you to think with me, about the relationship between our faith and God’s response. I have a number of ‘Life verses’ that the Holy Spirit has engraved on my […]
Announcements 09.22.20
1. Join us This Sunday at 11:30 AM for Outdoor Worship. I can hardly wait to see you and worship our LORD together. We will take the same precautions we do for indoor worship. We want to keep you safe and well. Please pray for an outpouring of God’s presence as we gather together. · If you […]
“Is God Ever Unreasonable?”
When Abraham was seventy-five years old and Sarah, his wife, was sixty-five, God made them a promise — Sarah, who was childless, was going to give birth to a son. Twenty-five years went by before God fulfilled that promise — Sarah was ninety and Abraham was one hundred. Hebrews 11:11 says, “By faith, Sarah herself […]
Announcements 09.15.20
1. Well, Praise God — other than the spinal pain, I am feeling great and plan to be back at the podium this Sunday (20th) teaching on “The Rewards of Heaven.” Thank you for your many prayers, cards, and text messages. They meant more than words could ever express. Several of you provided me with […]
“God’s Formula to Success”
I am sure that all of us at one time or another have experienced failure. I don’t know about you, but I do not like to fail. I have never been a good loser. I much prefer success. In my personal life and ministry, the times failed were usually because I didn’t wholeheartedly follow the […]
Announcements 09.09.0
1. You People are Great! – I don’t know if you heard the announcement on Sunday, on our Live Streamed Service, but $75,995 was given during July and August for our Special Missions Project. This means that we will be able to send each of our eleven missionaries $6,909 to help them with their ministry. […]
“Are You Plagued with Trouble?”
There are some who believe that by accepting Christ and becoming a Christian, you won’t have any more problems. Where in the world did they get that idea? — certainly not from the Scriptures. The Apostle Paul, after he accepted Christ, went through many hardships. (2 Cor. 11:22-33) In Philippians 1:29 he wrote, “For to […]
Announcements 09.02.20
1. Are You Registered to Vote? If you aren’t, I hope that you will take care of that matter right away. I believe the coming election may be the most important, in the history of our nation. It is important that every Christian vote. We are so fortunate to live in a country where we can have a voice in […]