With all the rioting, looting, beating up of innocent people, and in some cases, even killing them, you have to wonder … is there any place where anyone is safe? Well, I have some good news for you. Heaven will be a safe place for children and if that is the case, then it must […]
1. Many thanks for the prayers, get-well cards, and text messages during these weeks that I have been seeking to recover my strength. I am much improved and trusting the LORD to restore me to full strength soon. You are all such a blessing to me. 2. Are You Registered to Vote? If you aren’t, […]
There are some ways in which we are all alike: 1. We are all sinners by nature and by practice. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Rom. 3:23 2. Our sin cannot be excused. It must be punished or paid for and we cannot do that ourselves. “For the […]
Announcements 08.18.20
1. Pastor Jim will continue his sermon series on the names of God … “Adonai”: LORD with reference to Psalm 148:13. God is sovereign. Our ruler. He is worthy of all honor. Watch for his sermon notes in a future email. Because the church is still closed due to the pandemic, the Sunday sermon can […]
“A Fruitful Life” Psalm 1:1-3
“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law, he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams […]
1. Pastor Jim will continue his sermon series on the names of God … “El Chaiyai: God of My Life” with reference to Psalm 42:8. Watch for his sermon notes in a future email. Because the church is still closed due to the pandemic, our Sunday services can be watched online. We’re live-streamed at 11:30 […]
“Read and Follow”
Over my lifetime I have purchased a wide array of items that come with an owner’s manual. All of my vehicles came with an owner’s manual. The woodworking tools I purchased in the past came with an owner’s manual. Just about everything today … no matter how big or small … comes with an owner’s manual. In fact, […]
Announcements 08.04.20
1. Pastor Leonard is now home from the hospital. He is blessed to have daughter Pam, as his helper, during this time. He is gaining strength every day and he thanks you for your prayers. 2. Pastor Jim will continue his new sermon series on the names of God … “El Gibbhor: Mighty God” with […]
“What’s in a Name?”
Allow me to introduce myself… my name is Pastor Jim Merillat. Many of you probably already knew that. However, I do have variations of my name that may surprise you. For example, when I sign formal documents I sign “James J. Merillat.” When I was younger and my mother was upset with me… which rarely happened… she […]
1. Due to Pastor Leonard’s medical absence and pending surgery, Pastor Jim will be leading the Sunday services through August. He will be preaching on the “Names of God.” You won’t want to miss the first, in this series … “Miqweh Yisrael: Hope of Israel, on August 2nd. The focus will be on Jeremiah 17:13… “Considering […]