Paul’s letter to the Ephesian believers is all about our ‘WALK’: the way we live out our lives as Christians. In Ephesians 5:1, he wrote, “Therefore (because of your new life in Christ) be imitators of God, as dearly loved children.” In the very next verse, he gives us an idea of what this ‘walk’ […]
Announcements 06.16.20
A Note From Senior Pastor Leonard: The Big Day is Almost Here! Next Sunday, June 21st, Father’s Day, we will be in the Father’s house. I can hardly wait. It will be so good to see you. Assoc. Pastor Jim and the Re-opening Task-force have worked so hard to get us ready. They have accomplished […]
“Have You Committed the Unpardonable Sin?”
Wow! That is a heavy question. I know there are many people who fear they have committed what is called “The Unpardonable Sin” and they fear there is no hope. Let’s explore God’s Word and see what it says about this matter. Turn with me to Matthew 12:22-37. The context of Jesus’ teaching on this […]
Announcements 06.09.20
1. The VJF Reopening Task Force is excited to announce that in-person worship services will begin on Father’s Day, June 21st. In order to comply with the State Guidelines,100 maximum in the sanctuary, we currently have two services planned, one at 11:30 AM and the other at 4:00 PM. We will soon know if we […]
In Luke 17:11-17 we read, “As Jesus continued on toward Jerusalem, He reached the border between Galilee and Samaria. He entered the village there, and ten men with leprosy stood at a distance, crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as […]
Announcements 06.02.20
This Sunday we will be celebrating Communion. So, have your crackers and juice ready, wherever you are joining us in worship. During the week, prepare your heart for worship. Ask the LORD to reveal any issues in your heart and life that need His cleansing. Jubilee Re-Opening – I just want you to know that […]
“Our Enemy is Real”
I thank the LORD for our military. I shudder to think of where we would be today as a nation if it were not for these brave men and women who, across the years, have been in constant readiness to put their lives on the line and even make the ultimate sacrifice, if necessary, so […]
“Lessons from Daniel’s Prayer Life”
Daniel was a man of prayer. Even though he was taken as a prisoner to Babylon as a teenager, he survived and excelled because of his relationship with God and his regularly sharing with God and listening to God in prayer. He lived through one pagan empire after another and was promoted to high office […]
Announcements 05.26.20
A Reminder About Prayer Requests When you submit a prayer request, please make sure you have the permission, from the people involved in the request, for Jubilee to print their names. ALSO, the team appreciates hearing about how prayers are answered. We do not have the staff to make follow-up calls, so your notes and […]
Announcements 5.19.20
A. REMINDERS about our Sunday church service … 1. We are live-streaming (real-time) at 11:30 AM, Sunday mornings. Some of your network systems will not support live-streaming. If that is the case, you can view the recorded message. See #2 below 2. The sermons are recorded. You can go to the church website. It should […]