Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, TX wrote, “December 26th and January 2nd. What do these dates have in common? Each has the potential to be a bad day. Have you discovered that after a day of celebration or some momentous event, there can be a letdown? Folks, as long as […]
Announcements 06.04.24
1. WHITE MEMORIAL. The memorial for Harold White will be this Saturday, June 8 at 11:00 AM here at VJF. Please remember Diane and her family in your prayers. 2. NEW MEMBERS. This Sunday, June 9, we’re welcoming a wonderful group of new members. It is so exciting to see the people that God is bringing to […]
How Should We View Adversity?
Suffering comes to us in many different forms. All of us will experience suffering. The question is, how will we respond to it? The Apostle Paul, in Philippians 1:29, wrote, “For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for Him.” Paul reminds us here […]
Announcements 05.29.24
1. This Sunday we will have a Membership Class, right after the 2nd service, in the Library/Conference Rm. A light lunch will be served. If you plan to join, please get your membership application form to Pastor Leonard before Sunday. Call the office for a form. 2. Sign up on Sunday morning for our Bingo and Potluck Luncheon on June 11th. Be […]
“How God Uses Pain”
There are different kinds of pain … physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, grief, etc. (financial, betrayal, rejection). Paul, in Galatians 3:4 wrote, “Have you experienced/suffered so much for nothing? Surely it was not in vain, was it?” In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about a thorn in the flesh that he had received from Satan. (vs. […]
Announcements 05.14.24
1. A reminder that Scott and Jackie Peterson have an urgent need for a home, apartment, or condo to rent. They need a home for 3 adults … 2-3 bedrooms, 1-2 bathrooms. Please call if you can help: 805-746-5715. 2. You are Invited to a wonderful evening of Christian music at Ventura Missionary church, 500 High Point […]
“The Importance of Truth”
It has been said that “We are what we spend the most time thinking about.” Our minds are Satan’s primary target. If he can get us to think negative thoughts, he can poison the whole well. We can usually tell when Satan is attacking our minds because our thoughts are contrary to the truth of […]
Announcements 05.07.24
1. A funeral service for Don Carlton will be held here on Thursday, May 16th at 11 AM. Please remember Bonnie and her family in your prayers. The funeral service for Marie Nicely will be Friday, May 24th at 9 AM. Please remember Greg and their family in your prayers. 2. Membership – Our next membership class […]
“Do You Have a Mountain to Climb?”
In Deuteronomy 3:23-25, we see that God forbade Moses to enter the promised land and we find him begging God to let him go in: “At that time I pleaded with the LORD and said, ‘O Sovereign LORD, you have only begun to show your greatness and the strength of your hand to me, your […]
Announcements 04.30.24
1. Ministry Team Survey – A BIG thank you to all of you who have completed your service survey form. It’s never too late to turn yours in. We still need more drivers. We have people who need rides to their doctor, dentist, and to church. If you could help, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact […]