MEMBERSHIP CLASS – SUNDAY, 04.06.25 Interested in joining Ventura Jubilee Fellowship? Our next membership class is Sunday, April 6, after the second service, with a light lunch provided. Forms are at the Welcome Center—return them to the Church Office ASAP. If you want to learn more before deciding, this class is for you! Prerequisite: You […]
Announcements & Events
Announcements 03.17.25
MEMBERSHIP CLASS – SUNDAY, 04.06.25 Interested in joining Ventura Jubilee Fellowship? Our next membership class is Sunday, April 6, after the second service, with a light lunch provided. Forms are at the Welcome Center—return them to the Church Office ASAP. If you’d like to learn more before deciding, this class is for you! Prerequisite: You […]
Announcements 03.10.25
MEMBERSHIP CLASS – SUNDAY, 04.06.25 Interested in joining Ventura Jubilee Fellowship? Our next membership class is Sunday, April 6, after the second service, with a light lunch provided. Forms are at the Welcome Center—return them to the Church Office ASAP. If you’d like to learn more before deciding, this class is for you! Prerequisite: You […]
Announcements 03.03.25
CONGRATS TO OUR WINNERS! Our Judges’ TOP Picks – based on aroma, texture, color spice blend and overall taste: 1st Place: “Jay Fleck” (aka Pastor Jim Merillat); Fiery Furnace Chili 2nd Place: Glenda Poehler; Blazing Saddles Chili 3rd Place: Renee Moore; Mountain Lion Chili People’s Choice Award: Don Fromberg; Pa’s Tri-Tip Chili AND THANKS TO ALL OUR CHILI COOKOFF VOLUNTEERS!!! What a great evening […]
Announcements 02.24.25
CHILI COOK-OFF SET FOR FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2025 Things are RED HOT for our third annual VJF CHILI COOK-OFF!! We look forward to sampling and ‘suppering’ with you. Check with the church office for available spots. PARKING LOT NOTICE! City Service Paving will be on the VJF premises on Monday, February 24, 2025, to grind […]
Announcements 02.17.25
COMING IN CONCERT – SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Enjoy and be encouraged by Sally Klein O’Connor’s testimony in song and story; how she as a young Jewish girl came to faith in Jesus Christ, and what it means to walk with the Lord. The concert time is 5 PM and is open to everyone, so invite […]
Announcements 02.03.25
CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATE – Now Through February 9 If you haven’t already done so, please confirm your directory listing at the Welcome Center. Pick up a directory GREEN CARD to add or update your contact information at the Welcome Center or on the Information Table. NEW PHOTOS will be taken next Sunday the 9th in-between […]
Announcements 01.27.25
CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATE – Now Through February 9 As a regular attender or member of VJF, you are an integral part of this church family, and Church Directories are an excellent tool to help us put names with faces. Is your contact info in our church directory? Has your contact info changed since our Summer […]
Announcements 01.20.25
MEMORIAL FOR SHEILA RANGERE The memorial for Sheila Rangere will be held Friday, January 31, at 10 AM, here at Ventura Jubilee Fellowship. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES Marilyn Mansi’s husband Erni went to be with Jesus a few months back, and last week, God called Marilyn home to heaven also. She will be greatly missed, but […]
Announcements 01.13.25
INAUGURAL PRAYER HOUR – SUNDAY, JANUARY 19th, 3-4 PM God tells us to pray for our leaders. As President-elect Trump prepares to become our 47th President on January 20, we want to come together as the body of Christ for a special prayer time on Sunday, January 19 from 3-4 PM. This honors God, and, […]