This morning I was reading in Luke 9 when Jesus took Peter, John, and James up on a mountain to pray. Beginning in verse 29, it tells the story of how Jesus’ appearance was transformed, and then suddenly two men appeared … Moses and Elijah … and talked with Jesus. I have read this passage […]
Jubilee Weekly
“I was in the Dollar Tree store last night and there was a lady and two kids behind me in a very LONG line. One was a little boy, a toddler it appeared, and the other boy was much older. The bigger boy had a pack of glow sticks and the toddler wanted one and […]
Most people hate to wait! Not me … I LOVE it! (The people who know me best are shaking their heads in disbelief!) Okay … you got me! I am not all that fond of waiting. But I will say this … I have grown to appreciate it! And guess where I learned the importance […]
“Best Year Ever!”
I recently wrote a family Christmas letter and when it came time to share “news” about myself I wrote these words: “I am enjoying the best year of my life!” I knew exactly why I wrote that phrase. I was having the best year of my life because I was enjoying my life with Pam, my life […]
“A New Year’s Thought”
The day of celebrating Jesus’ birthday is now a few days past; but, the joy of celebrating Christ in our hearts continues now, more than ever. As we face a world that is getting darker and darker, let us take a moment and be reminded of the LIGHT. His promises are what we have to […]
In Psalm 22:3 (KJV) we read “But Thou art Holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” In the NLT, it puts it like this – “You are the Holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.” The word inhabits and the word enthroned in no way suggest that God is only present when people […]
“Persevering to the End”
There are some supposed Christian leaders who teach that it is always God’s will for His children to be free from physical pain, emotional struggles, and spiritual battles. I do not know where in the Bible they can draw this conclusion. Paul had what he called a thorn in the flesh. Three times he asked […]
“God Chooses Us”
All the way through the Bible, we find God choosing specific individuals for specific assignments, according to His own divine purposes. Let’s consider Saul of Tarsus, who for some time did not believe that Jesus was God, the Savior of mankind. · He persecuted those who followed Christ. · He was fanatical in his views about Christ. […]
“Give Thanks”
From the moment the Apostle Paul understood the mystery of God’s redeeming love, he accounted his former gain as loss; his former supposed wisdom no better than folly, and he determined to know nothing, to depend on nothing, to glory in nothing but Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. In 1 Chronicles 16:8-13, we have David’s […]
“Wednesday’s Word”
The following article, authored by Paul Tripp, is from his weekly devotional of 11/9/22, the day after the mid-term elections. “Tuesday, November 8, was Election Day (in the United States). This devotional was written and scheduled before any votes were cast or election results were announced. It is not a commentary on any political system, […]