ABSALOM MY ABSALOMToday, we are sharing David Warbritton Sr.’s meditation about his son, Dave Warbritton Jr., our beloved Associate Pastor, who moved on, into the presence of our Lord and Savior, on July 29th, 2019. Absalom My AbsalomIt matters not what crushed and fragmented your heart, a broken heart is a broken heart. It is […]
Jubilee Weekly
Jubilee Weekly 2019.08.20
Trusting GodIn Job 5:7 we read “Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward.”If ever a man was put to the test, it was God’s man Job, and he didn’t know why, but God did. God was proud of Job. One day God was telling Satan about what a great man […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.08.13
Looking Ahead I’m so grateful for the counsel of Scripture, the perfect will of God and the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Each of these blessings are ours through a faith relationship with Jesus Christ. I am also grateful that our God is personal and He does not hesitate to associate with us. […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.08.06
“The Savior and Our Sin”Part II This meditation is a continuation from last week where we focused on the rays of light sent forth by Jesus Christ, the Son of Righteousness. Jesus is the Light of the world. He shines on our lives and wants to shine in our hearts and through our lives. 4. […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.07.30
Dear Jubilee Family, it was good to see so many attend this morning’s prayer and sharing time, in memory of Pastor Dave. His sudden passing has affected each of us deeply and our Christian fellowship helps ease the pain.Kodi, their children and extended family are all gathering. They need our prayers and support. Funeral arrangements […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.07.23
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made In Psalm 139:14 (NLT) the writer declares —“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous — how well I know it” In the English Standard Version, it reads —“I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.07.16
Praise the Lord As I begin to write this meditation, I am sitting in my home office trying to ignore the pain that comes from shingles (and I don’t mean the kind on the roof-top). It is the perfect setting to write about “Praising God.” I just noticed that Psalm 146, 147, 148, 149 and […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.07.09
Incredible God In his defense before King Agrippa, Paul, in Acts 28:8 wrote, “Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?” Do you believe God can raise the dead? We have numerous examples in Scripture of Jesus doing that very thing. For example: · He raised the […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.07.03
We Have an Adversary Part 2 Perhaps you are wondering why I am writing about Satan or Lucifer or the devil. They are one and the same. Whether you are a Christian or an unbeliever, you are a target of Satan. His goal is to deceive, accuse and destroy. He hates all humans because we […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.06.25
We Have an Adversary Part I In the preface of his book, “Satan is No Myth”, J. Oswald Sanders wrote – “The consistent theme of the Bible from beginning to end is the conflict between good and evil, between God and the devil. It begins with the serpent in Eden in Genesis 3, and concludes […]