Excerpts from Aaron Abramson, ED & CEO, Jews for Jesus – March Newsletter
“To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven …. He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11
I experienced the stark beauty of this Scripture verse as a young Israeli soldier stationed in the Judean Desert. Winters in the desert were bleak, the landscape a wash of beige. But one morning, I was startled to see vibrant red flowers that had blanketed the hills — seemingly overnight ––transforming the barren wilderness into a vision of life and renewal. Spring had come.” (Think of the poppies in CA!)
“The breathtaking sea of red wildflowers is a well-known phenomenon in Israel, not only in the Judean Desert but also in the Negev. In fact, an annual festival called Darom Adom (red south) attracts thousands of Israelis and tourists each year. I can’t help thinking of all the people who love to enjoy the beauty of flowers, that are here one day and gone the next, but have yet to see the imperishable beauty of the One who created them. We are called to point our people to Him!
God gave us seasons to show His faithfulness and provision, not just physically, but also spiritually. I love that He invites us to be part of the times and seasons that produce new life and renewal in Messiah.”
(Abramson then continues his article with the listing and explanation of several new and emerging ministries.)
He continues … “We will continue to prototype new kinds of outreach as well as ways of working with others in Israel. And we hope that before long, similar outreaches and partnerships will spring up all over the world! Jesus encouraged His followers to dream big and be bold about joining in the work that He is doing. His metaphor to make His followers “fishers of men” should inspire us to find more fishermen, more boats, and more lakes.
Once again, I think about those bright red wildflowers in the deserts of Israel. Their spectacular beauty seems so sudden, but the way that God designed nature, things are growing, developing, and happening all the time, whether or not it’s apparent. I think the same is true with spiritual seasons. They are not quite as predictable as the physical seasons, but time and time again, God is faithful to keep His promises. As we do our part, we can trust Him to bring the increase.
As spring approaches, may we have eyes to see where God is at work. Let’s invest in others, go beyond our comfort zones, and trust that in time, He will multiply our efforts. The mission is immense, but together, we can bring the good news to a world longing for hope and life.