1. Jubilee’s Grief Support Group meets today at 4 PM. You are welcome to join Paul Lenderman as he leads those of you who have experienced loss, through a time of prayer and support. 2. Women’s Bible Study continues this week as they continue the study of Dr. Robert Morgan’s “Red Sea Rules.” Wednesdays at 10 […]
Years ago, I read about a man in his 80s who was mostly deaf, but he was in church every Sunday unless he was ill. Someone asked him why he was so faithful in attending when he could hardly hear anything that was taking place. His answer was – “I want the devil to know […]
1. Choir practice begins next Sunday, November 6th at 4 PM. Pastor Mike Sherrow says … “If you love to sing, then be sure to turn out for this practice!” 2. Praise the Lord – Many years ago, when I was pastor at Ventura Missionary Church, we purchased a wonderful set of handbells. I called the other day […]
Wise King Solomon was said to have written more than 3,000 proverbs. Many of these Bible verses can help us as we evaluate candidates for elected office. We can vote the best we know how, given all the information we can gather, and leave the results to the Lord. No matter who wins the election, God Almighty […]
1. Many thanks to each of you who stepped up and covered the bases last Sunday. We weren’t sick, but we were exposed to someone who was. It is great to be a part of a fellowship where the people are so capable. 2. Attention All Veterans – on Tuesday, Nov. 15th, we want to honor you […]
I love reading the book of Acts because, on just about every page, we witness the awesome ministry of the Holy Spirit. In this meditation, I would like you to consider with me Acts 5:17-41. Earlier in the chapter (12-16), we read of the amazing ministry that Peter and other apostles were having. We read […]
1. This Friday at 6 PM is Movie Night and we will be showing, “The Ultimate Gift”. This is a very special film. Be sure to invite others. Also, bring snacks to share with others. 2. The next two (2) Sundays, we will be taking pictures for our Church directory. If your picture is not in there, or if you want […]
Every so often I want to introduce a meditation on the Holy Spirit because He is so important to all aspects of our lives. Let’s consider some of His attributes. He is the third member of the Trinity. A. The Holy Spirit is both a person and a spirit. In John 4:24 we read, “God is […]
1. Veteran’s Luncheon – November 15th at noon. We want to honor each of you who have served or are serving in some branch of the military. A special program is being prepared in your honor. We have a special sign-up card for you to use to register for the luncheon. Be sure to mark which branch of […]
In Philippians 1:9, Paul who was in prison prayed this request, “And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more …” One thing is certain. Being in prison may cut a man off from other men, but never from God. Being in prison did not dampen Paul’s faith. It did not […]