1. Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study, Thursday, July 1st at 6 AM. What do you do when faced with a crisis? Where do you look for help? Our study will be on “Where are your eyes?” Invite a friend to come with you. 2. Women’s Bible Study, Wednesday, June 30th at 10 AM. They are following a study […]
There isn’t anything about any one of us that is hidden from God. In Jeremiah 1:4-5 the prophet wrote, “The LORD gave me this message: “I knew you before I set you apart and appointed you as thy prophet to the nations.’” First of all, I urge you to note that it was God who […]
1. Women’s Bible Study continues this Wednesday at 10:00 AM. It is not too late to join this enthusiastic group of ladies who are studying prayer. The book, Life-Changing Prayer, by Jim Cymbala, focuses on the Throne of Grace, available to each and every one of us. 2. Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study, this Thursday at 6 […]
The first five books of the Old Testament are called the Pentateuch and were written by Moses under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is interesting to consider the focus of each book. For example – 1. In Genesis we see the ruin of mankind because of sin. 2. In Exodus we see God redeeming His […]
1. Movie Night this Friday, June 18th, at 6 PM. We will be showing “God Bless the Broken Road.” This is a wonderful family film. It shows how God is gracious, patient, and healing a broken heart. Invite others to come with you and bring snacks to share with others. A reminder: we can only use […]
In Corinthians 9:6-15, the Apostle Paul talks about the attitude of giving and the blessings that come to us when we give with the right spirit. I love what Warren Wiersbe has to say based on verses 7-8, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for […]
1. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one or other hardship, you are invited to join Certified Grief Counselor, Paul Lenderman on Tuesday, 06/08 at 4 PM. In the quiet atmosphere of the Church Conference Room, you will find prayer support, grief counseling, spiritual encouragement, and biblical answers. You do not need […]
Life can be very draining. The most ordinary things can weigh us down. Recently, I tried to drop a pair of slacks off at the cleaners at 9:00 AM. They didn’t open until 10:00 AM. I tried two days later only to find the place closed on that day, due to lack of business. I […]
1. Back in the Saddle Again – that sounds like a Hop-along Cassidy line. I am simply saying that next Sunday, June 6th, I will be teaching again. Pastor Jim and I both like to do series teaching. So, we seek to accommodate each other’s teaching desires. I am really looking forward to sharing God’s Word with […]
I just saw Rick Warren recently promoting what I believe is a new book he has written entitled, “Why in The World Am I Here?” That is a good question – Why does God save us and invite us into an intimate relationship with Himself? Are we just to mark time until He sends for […]