Accepted I doubt if anyone reading this meditation loves rejection. We much prefer acceptance. At His baptism, where Jesus came up out of the water, we read in Matthew 3:16b-17 …”At that moment heaven was opened and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on Him. And a voice from […]
EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS For those of you who do not receive the weekly Prayer Request mailing, we wanted to also share with you that Katrina Morgan (Dr. Robert Morgan’s wife) passed away on Monday morning. Prayers of comfort for Dr. Morgan, his daughters and grandchildren are appreciated. 1. This Wednesday at 5 PM, the movie, “The […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.11.12
Prayer – the Key to Intimacy with God Are you daily enjoying a closeness with your heavenly Father? In this short meditation, I want to share several ways that I know you can enrich your spiritual life and strengthen your relationship with the Father. 1. If you have received Christ as your Savior and LORD, then remember […]
ACTIVITIES & EVENTS 1. Are you interested in taking one or more classes, on line? The Missionary Church Western Region is now taking registrations. You can check out what is being offered this semester by going to [email protected] or you can call: 805-523-9085. The executive pastor is Mike Somers. 2. Don’t miss this movie – […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.11.06
We Need Intercessors I mentioned in a recent meditation on prayer that as Christians, we are at war against Satan and his evil powers of darkness. In Ephesians 6:10-18, we are introduced to the concept that as Christians we are at war and that we need to use the different pieces of equipment that God […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS A note from our pastor — You Honor Me — I really appreciated Dave DeVries’ message on Sunday about “honoring God and Honoring each other. I praise God for giving me the privilege of being your pastor. Recently, I asked a number of our people, “What is it about Jubilee church […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.10.29
Is Jesus At the Keyboard of Your Life? Many years ago, there was a beautiful stone cathedral that had one of the most magnificent pipe organs on the continent. On a certain Saturday afternoon, the sexton was making a final check of the choir loft high in the balcony at the back of the church. […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS 1. Did You Pray with Me on Sunday to Confirm Your Faith? If you did, we want to rejoice with you and encourage you in your walk with Jesus. This Sunday, complete one of our “Welcome” cards and share the good news with us. 2. Have you been baptized as a believer […]
Jubilee Weekly 2019.10.22
America’s Spiritual Crisis The following is taken from the book I recently recommended to you by Dr. David Reagan, titled “God’s Prophetic Voices to America.” “Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am commanding you today; otherwise, when you […]
ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS Please Note: Jim Gloyd’s funeral will be Saturday, October 26th, 10 AM at the Encounter Church (Bible Fellowship) 1. The BIG weekend has arrived – our Bible Conference with Dr. Robert Morgan begins this Friday at 6 PM. It continues Saturday morning at 9 AM to 1 PM. It will conclude […]