This year Memorial Day was Monday, May 29th. It is far more than a day off from work. It is a time when we remember those men and women in our military who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. We are a free people in the United States today because people fought and died […]
Announcements 05.23.23
1. Welcome to these new members: Beth Steele, Byron McCracken, and Tammy McCracken. Folks, if you do not know these new members, please reach out to them and get to know them. (They’re all in the directory). You will be blessed as you build a relationship with them. 2. Church Membership – We will never pressure you […]
“The Clear Plan of Salvation from Romans”
Christians become rooted and established by the truth in God’s Word. The Apostle Paul knew that, and that is why he wrote the book of Romans — to explain the truth of God’s plan of salvation. I believe he also wrote it so that we would share its clear message with those who are not […]
1. This Sunday, I will be back in the pulpit teaching again. I am so looking forward to opening God’s word to you. I want to, over time, share some studies from the book of James. I would like to encourage you to prayerfully begin reading this marvelous, practical book. 2. Summer Supper Club – this is […]
“God’s Great and Precious Promises” 2 Peter 1:3-4
The Christian life is entered into by faith. The Apostle Paul, in Ephesians 2:89, wrote “For by grace (God’s unmerited favor) you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” Salvation is a gift from God when by faith we receive Christ as Savior and LORD. When […]
Announcements 05.09.23
1. A Word of Caution – Please be very careful when backing out of a parking spot, here at Jubilee. The parking area is narrow and recently someone almost was hit. Fortunately, someone got the driver’s attention, and an injury was avoided. Also, please be mindful of Jubilee’s parking spaces on Sunday mornings. We share the […]
Jesus is introduced to us in the Bible by a number of names and titles. 1. Angel of the Lord, Genesis 16:7 2. Shiloh, Genesis 49:10 3. I Am, Exodus 3:14 4. Wonderful Counselor, Isaiah 9:6 5. Prince of Peace, Isaiah 9:6 6. Branch, Isaiah 11:1 7. Jesus, Matthew 1:21 8. Immanuel, Matthew 1:23 9. Christ, Matthew 16:16 10. Servant Mathew 20:28 11. King, Matthew 21:5 […]
Announcements 05.02.23
1. Do you have trouble sharing your faith? One ministry that trains its members on how to share their faith is the Gideons. We have invited them to put on a training for our church. It will be Monday, May 22nd from 1 – 3 PM. It is open to both men and women. I hope […]
Are you a sober-minded Christian? This quality is a sign of spiritual maturity that influences how we see the world around us. In his first letter, the Apostle Peter spoke very directly about this quality of maturity: · “Therefore, with your minds ready for action, be sober-minded.” 1 Peter 1:13 · “The end of all things is […]
Announcements 04.25.23
1. Do you have trouble sharing your faith? One ministry that trains its members on how to share their faith is the Gideons. We have invited them to put on a training for our church. It will be Monday, May 22nd from 1 – 3 PM. It is open to both men and women. I hope […]