From the beginning of time, God met with His people and interacted and communicated with them. There came a time when God revealed to His people, He wanted to dwell among them. In Exodus 25:8 the LORD told Moses to have the children of Israel bring Him an offering for the building of the tabernacle […]
Announcements 10.05.21
1. Women’s Bible Study is continuing with the study on Gideon. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesdays at 9:45 AM. 2. Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study, Thursdays, 6 AM. This Thursday, Pastor Leonard is going to do a short series on Peter. There is much to glean as we follow this fisherman, called by Christ, to […]
“The Fruit of the Spirit” Part II
(A) Last week we looked at the first cluster of fruit that the Holy Spirit wants to produce in our lives — Love, Joy, and Peace. From these foundational fruits, we see the next cluster. (B) The second cluster of fruits produced by the Holy Spirit … Longsuffering, Kindness, and Goodness. Galatians 5:22 1. Longsuffering – […]
Announcements 09.29.21
It’s time to pick up your “shoeboxes” for Operation Christmas Child. They are located in the back of the Worship Center. See Nancy Drake. 1. The Second Service Launch Went Well. Thank you to all who did double duty. We really appreciate your help. The good thing about going to two services is that we have lots […]
“The Fruit of the Spirit’’ Part I
The Apostle Paul, in Ephesians 5:18, wrote, “Do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit.” It is wonderful to be “born of the Holy Spirit” at our conversion. At this point, the Holy Spirit comes into our lives and the Bible says our bodies become the “temples […]
Announcements 09.21.21
1. NEW SERVICE TIMES BEGIN THIS SUNDAY. · Bible Alive Classes – 8:45 AM · First Service – 10:00 AM · Second Service – 11:30 AM Pass the word and invite others to come and worship with you at Jubilee. NOTE: For those of you coming to the first service — if you park in the back parking lot, […]
“Meet the Lord of Hosts”
Introduction: · Throughout the Scriptures, there are many names for God that reveal to us His character and how He longs to relate to us. Let me give you several examples before we get into our study for today. · He is Jehovah Roi – This name portrays Him as “The Lord is my Shepherd.” He is […]
Announcements 09.14.21
1. Ventura Jubilee Fellowship welcomes our newest members! Mike Babcock Don Lackey Mary Chase June Lackey Nola Cording Natalie Meisner William Cording Lynne Scott Bob Dinsmore Georgia Shirley Penny Dinsmore Stan Shirley Mike Galati Delores Vigil Denise Kelly Diane White Carla Kraetsch Harold White 2. Women’s Bible Study every Wednesday morning at 9:45 AM. Please note the new start time. Our study on […]
“Behold — The Lamb of God!”
Recently I gave a sermon, in our church service, based on the use of the word – ‘BEHOLD!’ This word appears numerous times in the book of Revelation. As I mentioned in that service, the word ‘BEHOLD’ is a Greek imperative that means to see or look. It is a verb intended to ‘arouse attention’ […]
Announcements 09.07.21
1. You Are an Amazing Church Family! I hope you were here this past Sunday or were at least watching our Live Streaming. During July and August, you gave over $87,000 for our Missions Impact 2021. We had many of our para-church ministries present and we were able to give each of them checks for $4,600 […]