1. Men’s Ministry News – We had our first gathering on Thursday, Dec. 10th. The breakfast we served was prepared at McDonald’s and elsewhere … so, every precaution was taken. The men were so happy to be together again. Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the 17th. We will let you know when we can meet […]
In Genesis 3:15 we have the first promise of One who would come and triumph over the sin and devastation caused by Adam and Eve’s disobedience. God declared to the devil, “And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you […]
1. Update from Pastor Leonard – It has been over two weeks since my surgery and praise God that terrible pain I have endured since January is gone. I am to start physical therapy any day. It will last for a month. Words could never express how good it was to be in church this past […]
In our nation today, we are surrounded by what I would call a climate and culture of hate. It is far more than just disliking someone. The feelings go very deep and reveal rage and resentment. Where did all of this come from? It is far more than a corrupt political judicial system. The prophet […]
Please check your email regularly. Due to the fluid condition of the COVID-19, we may have very short notice of changes in times/locations of our gatherings. 1. Ladies Bible Study – will resume TOMORROW, Wednesday, 12/02, at 10 AM. We will study the 2nd lesson, Luke 2:1-7; 13-20. 2. Bible Alive – All Adult classes […]
One of the reasons I am totally sold on Jesus is the way He is the fulfillment of Old Testament Prophesy. Keep in mind that a prophet had to be one hundred percent accurate in his predictions. That being the case, consider the fact that there are at least 200 specific prophesies in the Old […]
1. PASTOR UPDATE … God is so good. I had my spinal surgery on Tuesday, November 17th. I came home Wednesday afternoon. The only pain I feel is what you would expect from surgery. The awful pain that I endured for so long is gone. God has really been answering your prayers. Thank you for praying for […]
In just a few days many people in our nation will observe Thanksgiving. The first Thanksgiving happened in the early autumn of 1621. Only 53 pilgrims, about half their number, survived their first harsh winter in America. They decided to celebrate and give thanks to God for their successful harvest and their survival. Chief Massasoit […]
1. THANK YOU for the many birthday cards, text messages, emails, and gifts you sent for my birthday. As most of you know I will celebrate it in the hospital having spinal surgery. By the time you receive this Newsletter, my surgery should be over and I will begin the recovery process. Thank you for your […]
The book of Jeremiah is the longest Prophetic Book in the Old Testament. Also, Jeremiah’s life is more fully described than any of the other fifteen writing prophets. Jeremiah had a word from the Lord for the people of Judah during the last half of the 7th century and the first quarter of the 6th […]