Is it possible for a church to experience growth during these tumultuous times? I would say ‘absolutely’ but it depends on the people. Recently I have been reading about Nehemiah and the contingency of people he took back to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall and restore the city. They faced many obstacles but in chapter […]
Announcements 01.25.22
For those who are interested – I don’t think we will soon forget the incredible blessing Larry Morbitt was when he sang at our Christmas dinner. Many of you asked if he had CDs with him. He did not, but he has just mailed some and they should arrive any day. They will be $15 […]
“Are You a Worrier?”
How are you handling the pandemic? Are you afraid that you are going to come down with COVID or one of its variants? I would imagine that most of us are concerned. I don’t think any of us want it to catch us. I was hospitalized with it in January 2021. Three months later I […]
Announcements 01.18.22
1. What a Fun Time … those in the 2nd service enjoyed Sunday after church. Pastor Leonard invited all who would like to be his guest at lunch … 14 people enjoyed a great lunch and wonderful fellowship. 2. This Friday is Movie Night at 6 PM. We will be showing the film classic “Sound of Music.” This truly […]
“The Judgment Seat of Christ”
All mankind has several things in common, some good and some not so good. · All of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 · All of us need a Savior, and there is only one true Savior — Jesus Christ. John 14:6; Act 1:12 · All of us are facing death. […]
Announcements 01.11.22
1. A book I hope you will read – “Can We Still Believe in the Rapture” by Ed Hindson and Mark Hitchcock. It seems like the controversy on the ‘Rapture’ is surfacing once again. These two men have done an amazing amount of research, looking at all the proposals and they are more solid than ever […]
“This is our Time”
In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 we read “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of […]
Announcements 01.04.22
1. This Sunday, January 9th, please make note of the following: A. We will go back to our two-service schedule: 10 AM & 11:30 AM. Bible Alive classes will be at 8:45 AM, as usual. B. I will begin a four-part series on the book of Jonah. It is a small book with powerful lessons. If you are […]
“You Can Praise God in the Midst of a Storm”
Yes, you read that caption correctly — “You can praise God in the midst of a storm.” I think most of you will remember the Old Testament account of Jonah, the rebellious, run-away Prophet who wound up in the belly of a great fish that was prepared by God. (1:17) He was there for three […]
Announcements 12.28.21
1. End-time Tracts – on the Information Table Rack, there are some excellent Gospel tracts — “Be Rapture Ready”; “Do All Roads Lead to God?”; “Don’t Accept the Mark of the Beast”; and others. Please take them and pass them on to family and friends who do not know the LORD. 2. Next Sunday, January 2nd, we will […]