1. Movie Night – Friday, November 19th at 6 PM. We will be showing “The Case for Christ.” It is the true story of atheist Lee Strobel and his journey to faith in Christ. If you know of people not saved, please invite them to come. Oh yes, and do bring snacks to share with others. 2. A […]
Many people were very sad when Jesus was crucified. His followers had their hopes dashed. Some were hoping that He was going to lead them in throwing off Roman rule. When He died, that dream died with Him. Two of those who loved Him were trudging their way home to Emmaus. They were talking about […]
TODAY, Tuesday 11/09/21 at 4 PM the Jubilee Grief Support Group meets. Come and join others in this time of sharing and support, led by Paul Lenderman. Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study, Thursday, 6 AM. This week we will begin a study on some of the Life Principles found in the book of Proverbs. Attention all […]
Jesus was coming to the end of His life and ministry. For three years He had invested heavily into the lives of His disciples. · As they listened to Him, they heard the most amazing teaching and truth that anyone has ever heard. · They observed the most amazing miracles that many people had ever seen. · His […]
Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study, every Thursday at 6 AM. Men – this Thursday we will begin a new series in the book of Proverbs. This book is all about the wisdom God gave Solomon when he became king. Let me encourage you to bring a friend. Pre-Service Prayer Time, in Pastor Leonard’s office every […]
In 1 Peter 2:6 (ESV) we read, “Behold (Look!), I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.” The Revised Standard Version says “For you therefore which believe is the preciousness.” Another translation says “To you therefore who believe in His […]
PRAYER POINT this Wednesday (10/27) at 6 PM. It is a time to gather, as a church family, to concentrate in prayer on a specific topic. The topic this Wednesday will be praying for the unsaved. We will pray, seek the LORD and share the burden specifically for those who do not yet know the LORD. […]
Some time ago, I bought a book titled, “Book of Amazing Stories”, by Robert Petterson. It is a fascinating read of the lives of many people. Recently one of the stories really caught my attention – “The Man of 1,000 Faces.” Richard was born into a vaudeville family, and he began performing when he was […]
1. SAVE THE DATE – Monday, December 13th for our all-church Christmas Dinner Party. It will be held in the Willett Center at Ventura Missionary Church. Watch for further details. 2. Women’s Bible Study will complete the Gideon study this week. Come join us for this final session along with a lunch pot-luck. 9:45 AM. 3. Men’s Breakfast and […]
Receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is a major event. It is the first step in your Christian life. In Ephesians 2:1-8, the Apostle tells us that we who were dead in our trespasses and sins, have been made alive within Christ and it is all because of God’s grace, which we don’t […]